My Fair Lady
I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face

Grown accustomed to her looks
Oh I, I've grown, grown accustomed to her voice

I've grown accustomed to her face
She almost makes the day begin
I've grown accustomed to the tune
She whistles night and noon

Her smiles, her frowns, her ups and her downs
Are second nature to me now
(Second nature)
Like breathing out and breathing in
(Breathing out and in)

I was serenely independent and content before we met
Surely I could always be that way again and yet
I've grown accustomed to her looks
Accustomed to her voice, accustomed to her face

Grown accustomed to her looks
Grown accustomed to her voice

I've grown accustomed to her face
She almost makes the day begin
(Day begin)
I've gotten used to hear her say
"Good morning", every day

Her joys, her woes, her highs, her lows
Are second nature to me now
(Second nature)
Like breathing out and breathing in
(Breathing out and in)

I'm so grateful she's a woman and so easy to forget
Rather like a habit one can always break and yet
I've grown accustomed to the trace of something in the air
Accustomed to her face

Grown accustomed to her looks
Grown accustomed to her trace
I've grown accustomed to her voice
Grown accustomed to her face

She's second nature to me now
Like breathing out and breathing in
(Breathing out and breathing in)

I was serenely independent and content before we met
Surely I could always be that way again and yet
I've grown accustomed to her looks
Accustomed to her voice, I've accustomed to her face

Her looks
(I can't believe)
Her trace
(How much I love her)
Her voice
Her face

(I'm addicted to you, baby)
Her looks
Her trace
(Because your love that drives me crazy)
Her voice
Her face

Grown accustomed to her voice
(You know I finally realize)
Grown accustomed to her face
(I got to hold it by my side)
Grown accustomed to her looks
(I wanna be, be your ornament)
Grown accustomed to her trace
('Cause I love you, baby, please take my hand)

Grown accustomed to her voice
(I'll be good to you each and everyday)
Grown accustomed to her face
(I've grown accustomed)
Grown accustomed to her looks
Grown accustomed to her trace

(Can't live if the livin' is without you)
Grown accustomed to her voice
Grown accustomed to her face
(Can't give, can't live anymore)

Mirror lyrics:

(Can't give, can't live anymore)
Grown accustomed to her face
Grown accustomed to her voice
(Can't live if the livin' is without you)

Grown accustomed to her trace
Grown accustomed to her looks
(I've grown accustomed)
Grown accustomed to her face
(I'll be good to you each and everyday)
Grown accustomed to her voice

('Cause I love you, baby, please take my hand)
Grown accustomed to her trace
(I wanna be, be your ornament)
Grown accustomed to her looks
(I got to hold it by my side)
Grown accustomed to her face
(You know I finally realize)
Grown accustomed to her voice

Her face
Her voice
(Because your love that drives me crazy)
Her trace
Her looks
(I'm addicted to you, baby)

Her face
Her voice
(How much I love her)
Her trace
(I can't believe)
Her looks

Accustomed to her voice, I've accustomed to her face
I've grown accustomed to her looks
Surely I could always be that way again and yet
I was serenely independent and content before we met

(Breathing out and breathing in)
Like breathing out and breathing in
She's second nature to me now

Grown accustomed to her face
I've grown accustomed to her voice
Grown accustomed to her trace
Grown accustomed to her looks

Accustomed to her face
I've grown accustomed to the trace of something in the air
Rather like a habit one can always break and yet
I'm so grateful she's a woman and so easy to forget

(Breathing out and in)
Like breathing out and breathing in
(Second nature)
Are second nature to me now
Her joys, her woes, her highs, her lows

"Good morning", every day
I've gotten used to hear her say
(Day begin)
She almost makes the day begin
I've grown accustomed to her face

Grown accustomed to her voice
Grown accustomed to her looks

Accustomed to her voice, accustomed to her face
I've grown accustomed to her looks
Surely I could always be that way again and yet
I was serenely independent and content before we met

(Breathing out and in)
Like breathing out and breathing in
(Second nature)
Are second nature to me now
Her smiles, her frowns, her ups and her downs

She whistles night and noon
I've grown accustomed to the tune
She almost makes the day begin
I've grown accustomed to her face

Oh I, I've grown, grown accustomed to her voice
Grown accustomed to her looks

Relevant Tags:
II've GGrown AAccustomed TTo HHer FFace 've rown ccustomed o er ace 'Ive rGown cAcustomed oT eHr aFce j've hrown zccustomed fo jer cace jI've hGrown zAccustomed fTo jHer cFace
Ij've Ghrown Azccustomed Tfo Hjer Fcace 9've yrown qccustomed 5o uer race 9I've yGrown qAccustomed 5To uHer rFace I9've Gyrown Aqccustomed T5o Huer Frace l've brown sccustomed ho ner gace
lI've bGrown sAccustomed hTo nHer gFace Il've Gbrown Asccustomed Tho Hner Fgace o've vrown wccustomed yo ber tace oI've vGrown wAccustomed yTo bHer tFace Io've Gvrown Awccustomed Tyo Hber Ftace
k've frown xccustomed 6o ger vace kI've fGrown xAccustomed 6To gHer vFace Ik've Gfrown Axccustomed T6o Hger Fvace 8've trown Acccustomed go yer dace 8I've tGrown Acustomed gTo yHer dFace
I8've Gtrown Accustomed Tgo Hyer Fdace u've Grrown Afcustomed ro Heer Faace uI've Gown Afccustomed rTo Hr Fce Iu've Gorwn Acfcustomed Tro Hre Fcae I''ve Gdown Axcustomed Too Hsr Fzce
Ive Gdrown T Hser Fzace Iv'e Grdown Acxcustomed To Hesr Fazce I'vve G4own Avcustomed Tk H3r Fqce I'e G4rown Avccustomed Tko H3er Fqace I'ev Gr4own Acvcustomed Tok He3r Faqce
I'be Ggown Adcustomed T9 Hfr Fsce I'bve Ggrown Adccustomed T9o Hfer Fsace I'vbe Grgown Acdcustomed To9 Hefr Fasce I'ce Gtown T0 Hrr Fwce I'cve T0o Hrer Fwace
I'vce Grtown Acucstomed To0 Herr Fawce I'ge G5own Acfustomed Tl H4r Fxce I'gve G5rown Tlo H4er Fxace I'vge Gr5own Accfustomed Tol He4r Faxce I'fe Gfown Acxustomed Ti Hdr Facce
I'fve Tio Hder Fae I'vfe Grfown Accxustomed Toi Hedr Faec I'vee Geown Acvustomed Hwr Fafe I'v Gerown Hwer Fafce I've Greown Accvustomed Hewr Facfe
I'vs Groown Acdustomed Faxe I'vse Grwn He I'ves Grwon Accdustomed Her Facxe I'v3 Grkwn Accuustomed Hed Fave I'v3e Grkown Accstomed Favce
I've3 Grokwn Accsutomed Herd Facve I'vf Gr9wn Acchstomed He4 Fade Gr9own Acchustomed Fadce I'vef Gro9wn Accuhstomed Her4 Facde I'vr Gr0wn Acc7stomed Heg Facee
I'vre Gr0own Acc7ustomed Hegr Fac I'ver Gro0wn Accu7stomed Herg Face I'v4 Grlwn Acckstomed Het Facs I'v4e Grlown Acckustomed Hetr Facse I've4 Grolwn Accukstomed Hert Faces
I'vd Griwn Accistomed He5 Fac3 I'vde Griown Acciustomed He5r Fac3e I'ved Groiwn Accuistomed Her5 Face3 I'vw Growwn Acc8stomed Hef Facf I'vwe Gron Acc8ustomed
I'vew Gronw Accu8stomed Herf Facef Groan Accjstomed Hee Facr Groawn Accjustomed Facre Growan Accujstomed Here Facer Gro3n Accystomed Fac4
Gro3wn Accyustomed Fac4e Grow3n Accuystomed Face4 Grodn Accusstomed Facd Grodwn Accutomed Growdn Accutsomed Faced
Groen Accuztomed Facw Groewn Accuzstomed Facwe Growen Accusztomed Facew Grosn Accuwtomed Groswn Accuwstomed
Growsn Accuswtomed Gro2n Accudtomed Gro2wn Accudstomed Grow2n Accusdtomed Groqn Accuetomed
Groqwn Accuestomed Growqn Accusetomed Grownn Accuxtomed Grow Accuxstomed

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