My Favorite Scar
My Favorite Scar

You were the brightest
Of all the colors
A world of flowers
Now on your way

Throughout your lifetime
I felt your struggle
I owe you everything
I am today

You're the lines in my hands
I want to be where you are
I wonder where, I wonder why
You're my favorite scar

You're the green in my eyes
And the day that you passed
Never ended you life
You're my favorite scar

As I remember
The house was shaking
And almost twelve years
Have passed since then

The road is endless
And terrifying
My only real home
Is deep within

You're the lines in my hands
I want to be where you are
I wonder where, I wonder why
You're my favorite scar

You're the green in my eyes
And the day that you passed
Never ended you life

Lines in my hands
Green in my eyes
I wonder where
I wonder why

You're the lines in my hands
I want to be where you are
I wonder where, I wonder why
You're my favorite scar

You're the green in my eyes
And the day that you passed
Never ended you life
You're my favorite scar

Mirror lyrics:

You're my favorite scar
Never ended you life
And the day that you passed
You're the green in my eyes

You're my favorite scar
I wonder where, I wonder why
I want to be where you are
You're the lines in my hands

I wonder why
I wonder where
Green in my eyes
Lines in my hands

Never ended you life
And the day that you passed
You're the green in my eyes

You're my favorite scar
I wonder where, I wonder why
I want to be where you are
You're the lines in my hands

Is deep within
My only real home
And terrifying
The road is endless

Have passed since then
And almost twelve years
The house was shaking
As I remember

You're my favorite scar
Never ended you life
And the day that you passed
You're the green in my eyes

You're my favorite scar
I wonder where, I wonder why
I want to be where you are
You're the lines in my hands

I am today
I owe you everything
I felt your struggle
Throughout your lifetime

Now on your way
A world of flowers
Of all the colors
You were the brightest

Relevant Tags:
MMy FFavorite SScar y avorite car yM aFvorite cSar jy cavorite zcar jMy cFavorite zScar Mjy Fcavorite Szcar ky ravorite wcar
kMy rFavorite wScar Mky Fravorite Swcar ny gavorite dcar nMy gFavorite dScar Mny Fgavorite Sdcar Myy tavorite ecar M tFavorite eScar
My Ftavorite Secar Mg vavorite xcar Mgy vFavorite xScar Myg Fvavorite Sxcar Mh davorite acar Mhy dFavorite aScar Myh Fdavorite Sacar
M6 Faavorite Sccar M6y Fvorite Sar My6 Fvaorite Sacr Mu Fzvorite Sfar Muy Fzavorite Sfcar Myu Fazvorite Scfar M7 Fqvorite Sxar
M7y Fqavorite My7 Faqvorite Scxar Mj Fsvorite Svar Fsavorite Svcar Myj Fasvorite Scvar Mt Fwvorite Sdar Mty Fwavorite
Myt Fawvorite Scdar Fxvorite Scaar Fxavorite Scr Faxvorite Scra Favvorite Sczr Faorite Sczar Faovrite Scazr
Faborite Scqr Fabvorite Scqar Favborite Scaqr Facorite Scsr Facvorite Scsar Favcorite Scasr Fagorite Scwr
Fagvorite Scwar Favgorite Scawr Faforite Scxr Fafvorite Favforite Scaxr Favoorite Scarr Favrite Sca
Favroite Scar Favkrite Scad Favkorite Scadr Favokrite Scard Fav9rite Sca4 Fav9orite Sca4r Favo9rite Scar4
Fav0rite Scag Fav0orite Scagr Favo0rite Scarg Favlrite Scat Favlorite Scatr Favolrite Scart Favirite Sca5
Faviorite Sca5r Favoirite Scar5 Favorrite Scaf Favoite Scafr Favoirte Scarf Favodite Scae Favodrite Scaer
Favordite Scare Favo4ite Favo4rite Favor4ite Favogite Favogrite

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