My Chemical Romance
The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You

Gaze into her killing jar
I'd sometimes stare for hours
She even poked the holes so I can breathe
She bought the last line
I'm just the worst kind
Of guy to argue
With what you might find
And for the last night I lie
Could I lie with you?

Alright, give up, get down
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, she wants
It all has to come down this time

Lost in the prescription she's got something else in mind
Check into the Hotel Bella Muerte
It gives the weak flight
It gives the blind sight
Until the cops come
Or by the last light
And for the last night I lie
Could I lie next to you?

Alright, give up, get down
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, she wants, it all has to come down this time

Alright, give up, get down
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, she wants, it all has to come down this time

Pull the plug
But I'd like to learn your name
And holding on
Well I hope you do the same
Aw, sugar
Slip into the tragedy you've spun this chamber dry

Alright, give up, get down
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, she wants, it all has to come down this time

Alright, give up, get down
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, she wants. It all has to come down this time

Pull the plug
But I'd like to learn your name
And holding on
Well I hope you do the same
Aw, sugar

Mirror lyrics:

Aw, sugar
Well I hope you do the same
And holding on
But I'd like to learn your name
Pull the plug

Alright, she wants. It all has to come down this time
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, give up, get down

Alright, she wants, it all has to come down this time
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, give up, get down

Slip into the tragedy you've spun this chamber dry
Aw, sugar
Well I hope you do the same
And holding on
But I'd like to learn your name
Pull the plug

Alright, she wants, it all has to come down this time
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, give up, get down

Alright, she wants, it all has to come down this time
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, give up, get down

Could I lie next to you?
And for the last night I lie
Or by the last light
Until the cops come
It gives the blind sight
It gives the weak flight
Check into the Hotel Bella Muerte
Lost in the prescription she's got something else in mind

It all has to come down this time
Alright, she wants
It's just the hardest part of living
Alright, give up, get down

Could I lie with you?
And for the last night I lie
With what you might find
Of guy to argue
I'm just the worst kind
She bought the last line
She even poked the holes so I can breathe
I'd sometimes stare for hours
Gaze into her killing jar

Relevant Tags:
TThe JJetset LLife IIs GGonna KKill YYou he etset ife s onna ill ou hTe eJtset iLfe sI oGnna iKll oYu fhe ketset kife js honna lill gou fThe kJetset kLife jIs hGonna lKill gYou
Tfhe Jketset Lkife Ijs Ghonna Klill Ygou 5he ietset oife 9s yonna oill hou 5The iJetset oLife 9Is yGonna oKill hYou T5he Jietset Loife I9s Gyonna Koill Yhou hhe metset pife ls bonna mill 6ou
hThe mJetset pLife lIs bGonna mKill 6You Thhe Jmetset Lpife Ils Gbonna Kmill Y6ou yhe netset Liife os vonna jill uou yThe nJetset Lfe oIs vGonna jKill uYou Tyhe Jnetset Lfie Ios Gvonna Kjill Yuou
6he hetset Ljfe ks fonna iill 7ou 6The hJetset Ljife kIs fGonna iKill 7You T6he Jhetset Lijfe Iks Gfonna Kiill Y7ou ghe uetset L9fe 8s tonna jou gThe uJetset L9ife 8Is tGonna Kll jYou
Tghe Juetset Li9fe I8s Gtonna Klil Yjou rhe Jeetset Llfe us Goonna Kjll tou rThe Jtset Llife uIs Gnna tYou Trhe Jteset Lilfe Ius Gnona Kijll Ytou Jstset Lofe Iss Gknna K9ll Yoou
Te Jsetset I Gkonna K9ill Yu Teh Jestset Liofe Is Goknna Ki9ll Yuo Tje J3tset Lkfe Iz G9nna Klll Yku Tjhe J3etset Izs G9onna Ykou Thje Je3tset Likfe Isz Go9nna Killl Yoku
Tue Jftset L8fe Iw G0nna Koll Y9u Tuhe Jfetset L8ife Iws G0onna Y9ou Thue Jeftset Li8fe Isw Go0nna Kioll Yo9u Tne Jrtset Lufe Id Glnna Kkll Y0u Tnhe Jretset Luife Ids Glonna Kkill Y0ou
Thne Jertset Liufe Isd Golnna Kikll Yo0u Tbe J4tset Liffe Ie Ginna K8ll Ylu Tbhe J4etset Lie Ies Gionna K8ill Ylou Thbe Je4tset Lief Ise Goinna Ki8ll Yolu Tge Jdtset Lice Ix Gonnna Kull Yiu
Jdetset Licfe Ixs Gona Kuill Yiou Thge Jedtset Lifce Isx Gonna Kiull Yoiu Tye Jwtset Lire Ia Gomna Youu Jwetset Lirfe Ias Gomnna Kil Yo Thye Jewtset Lifre Isa Gonmna Kill You
Thee Jettset Lige Gohna Kikl Yoh Th Jeset Ligfe Gohnna Yohu The Jestet Lifge Gonhna Kilkl Youh Ths Jefset Lite Gojna Kiol Yo7 Thse Litfe Gojnna Yo7u
Thes Jetfset Lifte Gonjna Kilol You7 Th3 Je5set Live Gobna Kipl Yok Th3e Je5tset Livfe Gobnna Kipll The3 Jet5set Lifve Gonbna Kilpl Youk Thf Jehset Lide Yoi
Thfe Jehtset Lidfe Thef Jethset Lifde Gonan Youi Thr Jeyset Lifee Gonma Kilk Yo8 Thre Jeytset Lif Yo8u Ther Jetyset Life Gonnma Killk You8
Th4 Je6set Lifs Gonha Kilo Yoj Th4e Je6tset Lifse Yoju The4 Jet6set Lifes Gonnha Killo Youj Thd Jegset Lif3 Gonja Kilp Yoy Thde Jegtset Lif3e Yoyu

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