Marilyn Manson
Dance Of The Dope Hats (remix)

I peek into the hole,
I struggle for control
The children love the show,
But they fail to see the anguish in my eyes
Fail to see the anguish in my eyes
I scratch around the brim,
I let my mind give in
The crowd begins to grin,
But they seem to scream when darkness fills my eyes
Seem to scream when darkness fills my eyes,
It's no surprise
Fail to see the tragic,
Turn it into magic
My big top tricks will always make you happy,
But we all know the hat is wearing me
My bag is in the hat,
It's filled with this and that
My vision's getting fat,
The rabbit's just a monkey in disguise
Stars and pills and needles dance before our eyes
They will bite the hand if it is slower than
The quickness of their scrutinizing eyes
Fail to see the tragic, Turn it into magic
My big top tricks will always make you happy,
But we all know the hat is wearing me
Chicanery will always make you happy,
But we all know the hat is wearing me

Mirror lyrics:

But we all know the hat is wearing me
Chicanery will always make you happy,
But we all know the hat is wearing me
My big top tricks will always make you happy,
Fail to see the tragic, Turn it into magic
The quickness of their scrutinizing eyes
They will bite the hand if it is slower than
Stars and pills and needles dance before our eyes
The rabbit's just a monkey in disguise
My vision's getting fat,
It's filled with this and that
My bag is in the hat,
But we all know the hat is wearing me
My big top tricks will always make you happy,
Turn it into magic
Fail to see the tragic,
It's no surprise
Seem to scream when darkness fills my eyes,
But they seem to scream when darkness fills my eyes
The crowd begins to grin,
I let my mind give in
I scratch around the brim,
Fail to see the anguish in my eyes
But they fail to see the anguish in my eyes
The children love the show,
I struggle for control
I peek into the hole,

Relevant Tags:
DDance OOf TThe DDope HHats ((remix) ance f he ope ats remix) aDnce fO hTe oDpe aHts r(emix) xance kf fhe xope jats (rremix) xDance kOf fThe xDope jHats (emix)
Dxance Okf Tfhe Dxope Hjats (ermix) eance 9f 5he eope uats (demix) eDance 9Of 5The eDope uHats (dremix) Deance O9f T5he Deope Huats (rdemix) fance 0f hhe fope nats (4emix)
fDance 0Of hThe fDope nHats (4remix) Dfance O0f Thhe Dfope Hnats (r4emix) rance lf yhe rope bats (gemix) rDance lOf yThe rDope bHats (gremix) Drance Olf Tyhe Drope Hbats (rgemix)
cance if 6he cope gats (temix) cDance iOf 6The cDope gHats (tremix) Dcance Oif T6he Dcope Hgats (rtemix) sance Off ghe sope yats (5emix) sDance O gThe sDope yHats (5remix)
Dsance Of Tghe Dsope Hyats (r5emix) Daance Oc rhe Doope Haats (femix) Dnce Ocf rThe Dpe Hts (fremix) Dnace Ofc Trhe Dpoe Htas (rfemix) Dznce Or Dkpe Hzts (eemix)
Dzance Orf Te Dkope Hzats (eremix) Daznce Ofr Teh Dokpe Hazts (reemix) Dqnce Og Tje D9pe Hqts Dqance Ogf Tjhe D9ope Hqats (rmix) Daqnce Ofg Thje Do9pe Haqts (rmeix)
Dsnce Ot Tue D0pe Hsts (rsmix) Otf Tuhe D0ope Hsats (rsemix) Dasnce Oft Thue Do0pe Hasts (resmix) Dwnce Ov Tne Dlpe Hwts (r3mix) Dwance Ovf Tnhe Dlope Hwats (r3emix)
Dawnce Ofv Thne Dolpe Hawts (re3mix) Dxnce Od Tbe Dipe Hxts (rfmix) Odf Tbhe Diope Hxats Daxnce Ofd Thbe Doipe Haxts (refmix) Dannce Tge Doppe Hatts (rrmix)
Dace Doe Has Dacne Thge Doep Hast (rermix) Damce Tye Do0e Hafs (r4mix) Damnce Hafts Danmce Thye Dop0e Hatfs (re4mix)
Dahce Thee Dole Ha5s (rdmix) Dahnce Th Ha5ts Danhce The Dople Hat5s (redmix) Dajce Ths Dooe Hahs (rwmix)

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