Marilyn Manson
A Rose And A Baby Ruth

Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do

We had a quarell
A teenage quarell
Now I'm as blue
As I know how to be

I can't call you on the phone
I can't even see you at your home
So I'm sending you this present
Just to prove that I'm telling the truth
Dare I believe (you) won't laugh when you receive
This rose and a baby ruth

Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do

I could have sent you an orchid of some kind
But that's all I had in my jeans at the time
But when we grow up
Someday I'll show up
Just to prove I was telling the truth
I'll kiss you too
Then I'll hand it to you
This rose and a baby ruth

Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do

Mirror lyrics:

Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do

This rose and a baby ruth
Then I'll hand it to you
I'll kiss you too
Just to prove I was telling the truth
Someday I'll show up
But when we grow up
But that's all I had in my jeans at the time
I could have sent you an orchid of some kind

Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do

This rose and a baby ruth
Dare I believe (you) won't laugh when you receive
Just to prove that I'm telling the truth
So I'm sending you this present
I can't even see you at your home
I can't call you on the phone

As I know how to be
Now I'm as blue
A teenage quarell
We had a quarell

Do - do - do - do
Do - do - do - do

Relevant Tags:
AA RRose AAnd AA BBaby RRuth ose nd aby uth A oRse nAd A aBby uRth z dose znd z vaby duth zA dRose zAnd zA vBaby dRuth Az Rdose Aznd Az Bvaby Rduth
q 4ose qnd q gaby 4uth qA 4Rose qAnd qA gBaby 4Ruth Aq R4ose Aqnd Aq Bgaby R4uth s gose snd s naby guth sA gRose sAnd sA nBaby gRuth As Rgose Asnd As Bnaby Rguth
w tose wnd w haby tuth wA tRose wAnd wA hBaby tRuth Aw Rtose Awnd Aw Bhaby Rtuth x 5ose xnd x Baaby 5uth xA 5Rose xAnd xA Bby 5Ruth Ax R5ose Axnd Ax Bbay R5uth
fose Annd Bzby futh fRose Ad Bzaby fRuth Rfose Adn Bazby Rfuth eose Amd Bqby euth eRose Amnd Bqaby eRuth Reose Anmd Baqby Reuth
Roose Ahd Bsby Ruuth Rse Ahnd Bsaby Rth Rsoe Anhd Basby Rtuh Rkse Ajd Bwby Rhth Rkose Ajnd Bwaby Rhuth Rokse Anjd Bawby Ruhth
R9se Abd Bxby R7th R9ose Abnd Bxaby R7uth Ro9se Anbd Baxby Ru7th R0se Andd Babby Rkth R0ose An Bay Rkuth Ro0se And Bayb Rukth
Rlse Anx Bavy Rith Rlose Anxd Bavby Riuth Rolse Andx Babvy Ruith Rise Ane Bagy R8th Riose Aned Bagby R8uth Roise Ande Babgy Ru8th
Rosse Anf Bany Rjth Roe Anfd Banby Rjuth

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