Marilyn Monroe
(this Is) A Fine Romance

A fine romance, my good fellow
You take romance, I'll take Jello
You're calmer than the seals in the Arctic Ocean
At least they flap their fins to express emotion

A fine romance, with no quarrels
With no insults and all morals
I've never mussed a crease in your blue serge pants
I never get the chance, this, is a fine romance!

A fine romance, with no kisses
A fine romance, my friend, this is
To love should have the thrills that a healthy crime has
We don't have half the thrills that the march of time has

A fine romance, with no clinches
A fine romances, with no pinches
You're just as hard to land as the Ile de France!
I haven't got a chance, My heart's not made of plastic,
You're the reason I'm sarcastic!
‘cause this is a fine, a fine romance.

Mirror lyrics:

‘cause this is a fine, a fine romance.
You're the reason I'm sarcastic!
I haven't got a chance, My heart's not made of plastic,
You're just as hard to land as the Ile de France!
A fine romances, with no pinches
A fine romance, with no clinches

We don't have half the thrills that the march of time has
To love should have the thrills that a healthy crime has
A fine romance, my friend, this is
A fine romance, with no kisses

I never get the chance, this, is a fine romance!
I've never mussed a crease in your blue serge pants
With no insults and all morals
A fine romance, with no quarrels

At least they flap their fins to express emotion
You're calmer than the seals in the Arctic Ocean
You take romance, I'll take Jello
A fine romance, my good fellow

Relevant Tags:
((this IIs) AA FFine RRomance this s) ine omance t(his sI) A iFne oRmance (tthis js) z cine domance (his jIs) zA cFine dRomance (htis Ijs) Az Fcine Rdomance
(fhis 9s) q rine 4omance (fthis 9Is) qA rFine 4Romance (tfhis I9s) Aq Frine R4omance (5his ls) s gine gomance (5this lIs) sA gFine gRomance (t5his Ils) As Fgine Rgomance
(hhis os) w tine tomance (hthis oIs) wA tFine tRomance (thhis Ios) Aw Ftine Rtomance (yhis ks) x vine 5omance (ythis kIs) xA vFine 5Romance (tyhis Iks) Ax Fvine R5omance
(6his 8s) dine fomance (6this 8Is) dFine fRomance (t6his I8s) Fdine Rfomance (ghis us) Fiine eomance (gthis uIs) Fne eRomance (tghis Ius) Fnie Reomance
(rhis Iss) Fjne Roomance (rthis I) Fjine Rmance (trhis I)s Fijne Rmoance Iz) F9ne Rkmance (tis Izs) F9ine Rkomance (tihs Isz) Fi9ne Rokmance
(tjis Iw) Flne R9mance (tjhis Iws) Fline R9omance (thjis Isw) Filne Ro9mance (tuis Id) Fone R0mance (tuhis Ids) Foine R0omance (thuis Isd) Fione Ro0mance
(tnis Ie) Fkne Rlmance (tnhis Ies) Fkine Rlomance (thnis Ise) Fikne Rolmance (tbis Ix) F8ne Rimance (tbhis Ixs) F8ine Riomance (thbis Isx) Fi8ne Roimance
(tgis Ia) Fune Rommance Ias) Fuine Roance (thgis Isa) Fiune Roamnce (tyis Is)) Finne Rojance Is Fie Rojmance (thyis Is) Fien Romjance
(thiis Fime Rokance (ths Fimne (thsi Finme Romkance (thjs Fihe Ronance Fihne Ronmance (thijs Finhe Romnance
(th9s Fije Romaance (th9is Romnce (thi9s Finje Romnace (thls Fibe Romznce (thlis Fibne Romzance (thils Finbe Romaznce
(thos Finee Romqnce (thois Fin Romqance

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