Nana Mouskouri
Feelin' Groovy (the 59th Street Bridge Song)

Slow down, you move too fast;
You got to make the morning last ya;
Just kickin' down the cobblestones,
Lookin' for fun, and feelin' groovy.

Hello, lamppost, whatcha knowin'?
I've come to watch your flowers growin'.
Ain'tcha got no rhymes for me?
Dootin'-doo-doo-doo, feelin' groovy.

Ba da da da da da da, feelin' groovy.

Got no deeds to do, no promises to keep;
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep;
Let the mornin' time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you, all is groovy.

Slow down, you move too fast;
You got to make the morning last;
Just kickin' down the cobblestones,
Lookin' for fun, and feelin' groovy.

Ba da da da da da da, feelin' groovy.
(Repeat and fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat and fade)
Ba da da da da da da, feelin' groovy.

Lookin' for fun, and feelin' groovy.
Just kickin' down the cobblestones,
You got to make the morning last;
Slow down, you move too fast;

Life, I love you, all is groovy.
Let the mornin' time drop all its petals on me.
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep;
Got no deeds to do, no promises to keep;

Ba da da da da da da, feelin' groovy.

Dootin'-doo-doo-doo, feelin' groovy.
Ain'tcha got no rhymes for me?
I've come to watch your flowers growin'.
Hello, lamppost, whatcha knowin'?

Lookin' for fun, and feelin' groovy.
Just kickin' down the cobblestones,
You got to make the morning last ya;
Slow down, you move too fast;

Relevant Tags:
FFeelin' GGroovy ((the 559th SStreet BBridge SSong) eelin' roovy the 9th treet ridge ong) eFelin' rGoovy t(he 95th tSreet rBidge oSng)
ceelin' hroovy (tthe 69th ztreet vridge zong) cFeelin' hGroovy (he 659th zStreet vBridge zSong) Fceelin' Ghroovy (hte 569th Sztreet Bvridge Szong)
reelin' yroovy (fhe r9th wtreet gridge wong) rFeelin' yGroovy (fthe r59th wStreet gBridge wSong) Freelin' Gyroovy (tfhe 5r9th Swtreet Bgridge Swong)
geelin' broovy (5he t9th dtreet nridge dong) gFeelin' bGroovy (5the t59th dStreet nBridge dSong) Fgeelin' Gbroovy (t5he 5t9th Sdtreet Bnridge Sdong)
teelin' vroovy (hhe 49th etreet hridge eong) tFeelin' vGroovy (hthe 459th eStreet hBridge eSong) Fteelin' Gvroovy (thhe 549th Setreet Bhridge Seong)
veelin' froovy (yhe 599th xtreet Brridge xong) vFeelin' fGroovy (ythe 5th xStreet Bidge xSong) Fveelin' Gfroovy (tyhe 5t9h Sxtreet Birdge Sxong)
deelin' troovy (6he 50th atreet Bdidge aong) dFeelin' tGroovy (6the 509th aStreet Bdridge aSong) Fdeelin' Gtroovy (t6he 590th Satreet Brdidge Saong)
Feeelin' Grroovy (ghe 5ith Sttreet B4idge Soong) Felin' Goovy (gthe 5i9th Sreet B4ridge Sng) Feelin' Gorovy (tghe 59ith Srteet Br4idge Snog)
Fselin' Gdoovy (rhe 5oth Sfreet Bgidge Skng) Fseelin' Gdroovy (rthe 5o9th Sftreet Skong) Feselin' Grdoovy (trhe 59oth Stfreet Brgidge Sokng)
F3elin' G4oovy 58th S5reet Btidge S9ng) F3eelin' G4roovy (te 589th S5treet Btridge S9ong) Fe3elin' Gr4oovy (teh 598th St5reet Brtidge So9ng)
Ffelin' Ggoovy (tje 59tth Shreet B5idge S0ng) Ffeelin' Ggroovy (tjhe 59h Shtreet B5ridge S0ong) Fefelin' Grgoovy (thje 59ht Sthreet Br5idge So0ng)
Frelin' Gtoovy (tue 59fh Syreet Bfidge Slng) (tuhe 59fth Sytreet Bfridge Slong) Ferelin' Grtoovy (thue 59tfh Styreet Brfidge Solng)
F4elin' G5oovy (tne 595h S6reet Beidge Sing) F4eelin' G5roovy (tnhe 595th S6treet Beridge Siong) Fe4elin' Gr5oovy (thne 59t5h St6reet Breidge Soing)
Fdelin' Gfoovy (tbe 59hh Sgreet Briidge Sonng) (tbhe 59hth Sgtreet Brdge Sog) Fedelin' Grfoovy (thbe 59thh Stgreet Brdige Sogn)
Fwelin' Geoovy (tge 59yh Srreet Brjdge Somg) Fweelin' Geroovy 59yth Srtreet Brjidge Somng) Fewelin' Greoovy (thge 59tyh Strreet Brijdge Sonmg)
Grooovy (tye 596h Br9dge Sohg) Grovy 596th Steet Br9idge Sohng) Felein' Groovy (thye 59t6h Steret Bri9dge Sonhg)
Feslin' Grkovy (thee 59gh Stdeet Brldge Sojg) Grkoovy (th 59gth Stdreet Brlidge Sojng) Feeslin' Grokovy (the 59tgh Strdeet Brildge Sonjg)
Fe3lin' Gr9ovy (ths 59rh St4eet Brodge Sobg) Gr9oovy (thse 59rth St4reet Broidge Sobng) Fee3lin' Gro9ovy (thes 59trh Str4eet Briodge Sonbg)
Feflin' Gr0ovy (th3 Stgeet Brkdge Songg) Gr0oovy (th3e 59t Brkidge Son) Feeflin' Gro0ovy (the3 59th Strgeet Brikdge Son)g
Ferlin' Grlovy (thf 59tj Stteet Br8dge Sonh) Grloovy (thfe 59tjh Br8idge Feerlin' Grolovy (thef 59thj Strteet Bri8dge Songh)
Fe4lin' Griovy (thr 59tu St5eet Brudge Sony) Grioovy (thre 59tuh Bruidge Sonyg) Fee4lin' Groiovy (ther 59thu Str5eet Briudge Songy)

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