Name Taken
Life Goes By

What's going on
What's happening to me
I can't quite describe
What's missing
It feels like too much
That I should know
The years gone by,
Where'd they go?
Where'd they go?

Is life passing me by?
Have I missed my try?
When everyone has gone
It feels like I'm stuck here

They've all grown up
Some have moved on
And I miss them,
It's been too long
They've completed their hopes
Fulfilled their dreams
All except, except for me


Forget about me
Forget about me
Forget about me

Don't forget,
Please, don't forget about me
About me

Mirror lyrics:

About me
Please, don't forget about me
Don't forget,

Forget about me
Forget about me
Forget about me


All except, except for me
Fulfilled their dreams
They've completed their hopes
It's been too long
And I miss them,
Some have moved on
They've all grown up

It feels like I'm stuck here
When everyone has gone
Have I missed my try?
Is life passing me by?

Where'd they go?
Where'd they go?
The years gone by,
That I should know
It feels like too much
What's missing
I can't quite describe
What's happening to me
What's going on

Relevant Tags:
LLife GGoes BBy ife oes y iLfe oGes yB kife hoes vy kLife hGoes vBy Lkife Ghoes Bvy oife yoes gy oLife yGoes gBy Loife Gyoes Bgy
pife boes ny pLife bGoes nBy Lpife Gboes Bny Liife voes hy Lfe vGoes hBy Lfie Gvoes Bhy Ljfe foes Byy Ljife fGoes B Lijfe Gfoes By
L9fe toes Bg L9ife tGoes Li9fe Gtoes Byg Llfe Gooes Bh Llife Ges Lilfe Geos Byh Lofe Gkes B6 Gkoes B6y Liofe Gokes By6
Lkfe G9es Bu G9oes Buy Likfe Go9es Byu L8fe G0es B7 L8ife G0oes B7y Li8fe Go0es By7 Lufe Gles Bj Luife Gloes Bjy Liufe Goles Byj
Liffe Gies Bt Lie Gioes Bty Lief Goies Byt Lice Goees

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