Nakatomi Plaza
Hurray For One Good Eye

kick out the knees that hold me up poke my head around
the corner and pull back chipping away at my resolve
keeps me grounded where i stand the future is boundless
in this fishbowl so we'll shine mock heroic roll on
waves of conviction orchestrate this subversion cause
we've only got one shot and it's all so big so show
me something that i couldn't predict tonight is the
beginning of the end walking with the blinders on not
stopping for anyone late nights we crawl inside the
machine you see what i breathe but still you can settle
abort mission. drop the match as if it was ours all
along to detach bucking a trend of decline pledging
allegiance to our own design.

Mirror lyrics:

allegiance to our own design.
along to detach bucking a trend of decline pledging
abort mission. drop the match as if it was ours all
machine you see what i breathe but still you can settle
stopping for anyone late nights we crawl inside the
beginning of the end walking with the blinders on not
me something that i couldn't predict tonight is the
we've only got one shot and it's all so big so show
waves of conviction orchestrate this subversion cause
in this fishbowl so we'll shine mock heroic roll on
keeps me grounded where i stand the future is boundless
the corner and pull back chipping away at my resolve
kick out the knees that hold me up poke my head around

Relevant Tags:
HHurray FFor OOne GGood EEye urray or ne ood ye uHrray oFr nOe oGod yEe jurray cor kne hood sye jHurray cFor kOne hGood sEye Hjurray Fcor Okne Ghood Esye
uurray ror 9ne yood 3ye uHurray rFor 9One yGood 3Eye Huurray Fror O9ne Gyood E3ye nurray gor 0ne bood fye nHurray gFor 0One bGood fEye Hnurray Fgor O0ne Gbood Efye
burray tor lne vood rye bHurray tFor lOne vGood rEye Hburray Ftor Olne Gvood Erye gurray vor ine food 4ye gHurray vFor iOne fGood 4Eye Hgurray Fvor Oine Gfood E4ye
yurray dor Onne tood dye yHurray dFor Oe tGood dEye Hyurray Fdor Oen Gtood Edye Foor Ome Goood wye Hrray Fr Omne God wEye Hruray Fro Onme Good Ewye
Hhrray Fkr Ohe Gkod Eyye Hhurray Fkor Ohne Gkood Ee Huhrray Fokr Onhe Gokod Eey H7rray F9r Oje G9od Ege H7urray F9or Ojne G9ood Egye Hu7rray Fo9r Onje Go9od Eyge
Hkrray F0r Obe G0od Ehe Hkurray F0or Obne G0ood Ehye Hukrray Fo0r Onbe Go0od Eyhe Hirray Flr Onee Glod E6e Hiurray Flor On Glood E6ye Huirray Folr One Golod Ey6e
H8rray Fir Ons Giod Eue H8urray Fior Onse Giood Euye Hu8rray Foir Ones Goiod Eyue Hjrray Forr On3 E7e Fo On3e E7ye Hujrray For One3 Godo Ey7e
Hyrray Fod Onf Gokd Eje Fodr Onfe Ejye Huyrray Ford Onef Gookd Eyje Hurrray Fo4 Onr Go9d Ete Huray Fo4r Onre Etye Hurray For4 Oner Goo9d Eyte
Hudray Fog On4 Go0d Eyee Hudrray Fogr On4e Ey Hurdray Forg One4 Goo0d Eye Hu4ray Fot Ond Gold Eys Hu4rray Fotr Onde Eyse Hur4ray Fort Oned Goold Eyes
Hugray Fo5 Onw Goid Ey3 Hugrray Fo5r Onwe Ey3e Hurgray For5 Onew Gooid Eye3 Hutray Fof Goodd Eyf Hutrray Fofr Goo Eyfe Hurtray Forf Eyef
Hu5ray Foe Goox Eyr

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