Nana Mouskouri
Like A Main Theme

I am like a song that hasn' t been completely written
But my life is more than half way through a verse
I mean to say that I' m confused but it' s been worse
And I feel like there is a chorus on the way
Like a main theme when the melody comes through
Kinda tells you what the song is going to be
But I love to know just what I' m going to do

I am in the middle
In the middle of a riddle
Just wondering how can life go through
Then all at once I look around and I see you
Then I feel like there' s a chorus on the way
Like a main theme, when the melody comes through
Kinda tells you what your song is going to do
In the middle of my riddle there' s a goof

Now we' re close together
Like the hands of time at midnight
At the moment when tomorrow meets today
I' ve got a feeling that the answer' s on its way
Got a feeling that my future' s here to stay
Like a main theme when the melody comes through
Kinda tells you what your song is going to do
Kinda tells me that I' ll sing my song for you

Like a main theme
When the melody comes through

Mirror lyrics:

When the melody comes through
Like a main theme

Kinda tells me that I' ll sing my song for you
Kinda tells you what your song is going to do
Like a main theme when the melody comes through
Got a feeling that my future' s here to stay
I' ve got a feeling that the answer' s on its way
At the moment when tomorrow meets today
Like the hands of time at midnight
Now we' re close together

In the middle of my riddle there' s a goof
Kinda tells you what your song is going to do
Like a main theme, when the melody comes through
Then I feel like there' s a chorus on the way
Then all at once I look around and I see you
Just wondering how can life go through
In the middle of a riddle
I am in the middle

But I love to know just what I' m going to do
Kinda tells you what the song is going to be
Like a main theme when the melody comes through
And I feel like there is a chorus on the way
I mean to say that I' m confused but it' s been worse
But my life is more than half way through a verse
I am like a song that hasn' t been completely written

Relevant Tags:
LLike AA MMain TTheme ike ain heme iLke A aMin hTeme kike z jain fheme kLike zA jMain fTheme Lkike Az Mjain Tfheme
oike q kain 5heme oLike qA kMain 5Theme Loike Aq Mkain T5heme pike s nain hheme pLike sA nMain hTheme Lpike As Mnain Thheme
Liike w Maain yheme Lke wA Min yTheme Lkie Aw Mian Tyheme Ljke x Mzin 6heme Ljike xA Mzain 6Theme Lijke Ax Mazin T6heme
L9ke Mqin gheme L9ike Mqain gTheme Li9ke Maqin Tgheme Llke Msin rheme Llike Msain rTheme Lilke Masin Trheme
Loke Mwin Mwain Teme Lioke Mawin Tehme Lkke Mxin Tjeme Mxain Tjheme Likke Maxin Thjeme
L8ke Maiin Tueme L8ike Man Tuheme Li8ke Mani Thueme Luke Majn Tneme Luike Majin Tnheme Liuke Maijn Thneme
Ma9n Tbeme Lie Ma9in Tbheme Liek Mai9n Thbeme Lile Maln Tgeme Malin Likle Mailn Thgeme
Lioe Maon Tyeme Maoin Likoe Maion Thyeme Lime Makn Theeme Limke Makin Thme Likme Maikn Thmee
Lije Ma8n Thsme Ma8in Thseme Likje Mai8n Thesme

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