Mariah Carey
Fly Like A Bird

Somehow I know that
There's a place up above
With no more hurt and struggling
Free of all atrocities and suffering
Because I feel the unconditional love
From one who cares enough for me
To erase all my burdens
And let me be free to

Fly like a bird
Take to the sky
I need you now, Lord
Carry me high
Don't let the world break me tonight
I need the strength of You by my side
Sometimes this life can be so cold
I pray You'll come and carry me home

Can we recover
Will the world ever be
A place of peace and harmony
With no war and with no brutality
If we loved each other
We would find victory
But in this harsh reality
Sometimes I'm so despondent
That I feel the need to

Fly like a bird
Take to the sky
I need You now, Lord
Carry me high
Don't let the world break me tonight
I need the strength of You by my side
Sometimes this life can be so cold
I pray You'll come and carry me home

Keep your head to the sky
With God's love, you'll survive

Fly like a bird
Take to the sky
I need you now, Lord
Carry me high
Don't let the world break me tonight
I need the strength of You by my side

Sometimes this life can be so cold
I pray You'll come and carry me home
Carry me higher, higher, higher
Carry me higher, higher, higher
Carry me home
Higher Jesus
Carry me higher, Lord

Mirror lyrics:

Carry me higher, Lord
Higher Jesus
Carry me home
Carry me higher, higher, higher
Carry me higher, higher, higher
I pray You'll come and carry me home
Sometimes this life can be so cold

I need the strength of You by my side
Don't let the world break me tonight
Carry me high
I need you now, Lord
Take to the sky
Fly like a bird

With God's love, you'll survive
Keep your head to the sky

I pray You'll come and carry me home
Sometimes this life can be so cold
I need the strength of You by my side
Don't let the world break me tonight
Carry me high
I need You now, Lord
Take to the sky
Fly like a bird

That I feel the need to
Sometimes I'm so despondent
But in this harsh reality
We would find victory
If we loved each other
With no war and with no brutality
A place of peace and harmony
Will the world ever be
Can we recover

I pray You'll come and carry me home
Sometimes this life can be so cold
I need the strength of You by my side
Don't let the world break me tonight
Carry me high
I need you now, Lord
Take to the sky
Fly like a bird

And let me be free to
To erase all my burdens
From one who cares enough for me
Because I feel the unconditional love
Free of all atrocities and suffering
With no more hurt and struggling
There's a place up above
Somehow I know that

Relevant Tags:
FFly LLike AA BBird ly ike ird lFy iLke A iBrd cly kike z vird cFly kLike zA vBird Fcly Lkike Az Bvird rly oike q gird
rFly oLike qA gBird Frly Loike Aq Bgird gly pike s nird gFly pLike sA nBird Fgly Lpike As Bnird tly Liike w hird tFly Lke wA hBird
Ftly Lkie Aw Bhird vly Ljke x Biird vFly Ljike xA Brd Fvly Lijke Ax Brid dly L9ke Bjrd dFly L9ike Bjird Fdly Li9ke Bijrd
Flly Llke B9rd Fy Llike B9ird Fyl Lilke Bi9rd Fky Loke Blrd Fkly Blird Flky Lioke Bilrd Foy Lkke Bord
Foly Boird Floy Likke Biord Fpy L8ke Bkrd Fply L8ike Bkird Flpy Li8ke Bikrd Flyy Luke B8rd Fl Luike B8ird
Fly Liuke Bi8rd Flg Burd Flgy Lie Buird Flyg Liek Biurd Flh Lile Birrd

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