Kinleys, The
Holding On For Life

They?ve been told the odds are stacked

Up high against them

Statistically they hear they?re bound to fail

But that?s a chance they don?t mind takin?

Every day the love they?re makin?

Proves to them there?s got to be a way

So she, she just won?t let

What people think effect her feelings

And he, he just don?t understand

Why the world has stopped believin? in love

They finally found

What everybody else is needin?

So with all their might

They?re holdin? on for life

It?s all in how you look at things that matter

And as for them, their heads are in the clouds

But when they look down they clearly see

A glass half full and not half empty

They believe they?ve got what it takes

So she, she just won?t let

What people think effect her feelings

And he, he just don?t understand

Why the world has stopped believin? in love

They finally found

What everybody else is needin?

So with all their might

They?re holdin? on for life

Arm in arm

(Arm in arm)

Heart to heart

They live as one

(They live as one)

They believe in love

So she, she just won?t let

What people think effect her feelings

And he, he just don?t understand

Why the world has stopped believin? in love

They finally found

What everybody else is needin?

So with all their might

They?re holdin? on for life

Mirror lyrics:

They?re holdin? on for life

So with all their might

What everybody else is needin?

They finally found

Why the world has stopped believin? in love

And he, he just don?t understand

What people think effect her feelings

So she, she just won?t let

They believe in love

(They live as one)

They live as one

Heart to heart

(Arm in arm)

Arm in arm

They?re holdin? on for life

So with all their might

What everybody else is needin?

They finally found

Why the world has stopped believin? in love

And he, he just don?t understand

What people think effect her feelings

So she, she just won?t let

They believe they?ve got what it takes

A glass half full and not half empty

But when they look down they clearly see

And as for them, their heads are in the clouds

It?s all in how you look at things that matter

They?re holdin? on for life

So with all their might

What everybody else is needin?

They finally found

Why the world has stopped believin? in love

And he, he just don?t understand

What people think effect her feelings

So she, she just won?t let

Proves to them there?s got to be a way

Every day the love they?re makin?

But that?s a chance they don?t mind takin?

Statistically they hear they?re bound to fail

Up high against them

They?ve been told the odds are stacked

Relevant Tags:
HHolding OOn FFor LLife olding n or ife oHlding nO oFr iLfe jolding kn cor kife jHolding kOn cFor kLife Hjolding Okn Fcor Lkife
uolding 9n ror oife uHolding 9On rFor oLife Huolding O9n Fror Loife nolding 0n gor pife nHolding 0On gFor pLife Hnolding O0n Fgor Lpife
bolding ln tor Liife bHolding lOn tFor Lfe Hbolding Oln Ftor Lfie golding in vor Ljfe gHolding iOn vFor Ljife Hgolding Oin Fvor Lijfe
yolding Onn dor L9fe yHolding O dFor L9ife Hyolding On Fdor Li9fe Hoolding Om Foor Llfe Hlding Omn Fr Llife Hloding Onm Fro Lilfe
Hklding Oh Fkr Lofe Hkolding Ohn Fkor Hoklding Onh Fokr Liofe H9lding Oj F9r Lkfe H9olding Ojn F9or Ho9lding Onj Fo9r Likfe
H0lding Ob F0r L8fe H0olding Obn F0or L8ife Ho0lding Onb Fo0r Li8fe Hllding Flr Lufe Hlolding Flor Luife Hollding Folr Liufe
Hilding Fir Liffe Hiolding Fior Lie Hoilding Foir Lief Forr Lice Hoding Fo Licfe Hodling For Lifce
Hokding Fod Lire Fodr Lirfe Holkding Ford Lifre Hooding Fo4 Lige Fo4r Ligfe Holoding For4 Lifge
Hopding Fog Lite Hoplding Fogr Litfe Holpding Forg Lifte Holdding Fot Live Holing Fotr Livfe Holidng Fort Lifve
Holxing Fo5 Lide Holxding Fo5r Lidfe Holdxing For5 Lifde Holeing Fof Lifee Holeding Fofr Lif Holdeing Forf Life
Holfing Foe Lifs Holfding Foer Lifse Holdfing Fore Lifes

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