Kingston Wall
Take You To Sweet Harmony

As I hear you complain 'bout your life makes me
wonder if you'll get love tonight
You have chosen everything, I say all the time
you had the alternate way
Everything's wrapped together it seems all the
rights and responsibilities
It's just a matter of your own attitude
If you feel allright, I know you look cute

Everything is so fine it could be
don't let your mind take you in misery
all the feelings you're not so much pleased
they're just to take you to sweet harmony

Mirror lyrics:

they're just to take you to sweet harmony
all the feelings you're not so much pleased
don't let your mind take you in misery
Everything is so fine it could be

If you feel allright, I know you look cute
It's just a matter of your own attitude
rights and responsibilities
Everything's wrapped together it seems all the
you had the alternate way
You have chosen everything, I say all the time
wonder if you'll get love tonight
As I hear you complain 'bout your life makes me

Relevant Tags:
TTake YYou TTo SSweet HHarmony ake ou o weet armony aTke oYu oT wSeet aHrmony fake gou fo zweet jarmony fTake gYou fTo zSweet jHarmony
Tfake Ygou Tfo Szweet Hjarmony 5ake hou 5o wweet uarmony 5Take hYou 5To wSweet uHarmony T5ake Yhou T5o Swweet Huarmony hake 6ou ho dweet narmony
hTake 6You hTo dSweet nHarmony Thake Y6ou Tho Sdweet Hnarmony yake uou yo eweet barmony yTake uYou yTo eSweet bHarmony Tyake Yuou Tyo Seweet Hbarmony
6ake 7ou 6o xweet garmony 6Take 7You 6To xSweet gHarmony T6ake Y7ou T6o Sxweet Hgarmony gake jou go aweet yarmony gTake jYou gTo aSweet yHarmony
Tgake Yjou Tgo Saweet Hyarmony rake tou ro Haarmony rTake tYou rTo Seet Hrmony Trake Ytou Tro Sewet Hramony Taake Yoou Too Saeet Hzrmony
Tke Yu T Hzarmony Tkae Yuo To Swaeet Hazrmony Tzke Yku Tk S3eet Hqrmony Tzake Ykou Tko S3weet Hqarmony Tazke Yoku Tok Sw3eet Haqrmony
Tqke Y9u T9 Sdeet Hsrmony Tqake Y9ou T9o Hsarmony Taqke Yo9u To9 Swdeet Hasrmony Tske Y0u T0 Seeet Hwrmony Tsake Y0ou T0o Hwarmony
Taske Yo0u To0 Sweeet Hawrmony Twke Ylu Tl Sseet Hxrmony Twake Ylou Tlo Ssweet Hxarmony Tawke Yolu Tol Swseet Haxrmony Txke Yiu Ti S2eet Harrmony
Txake Yiou Tio S2weet Hamony Taxke Yoiu Toi Sw2eet Hamrony Takke Youu Sqeet Hadmony Tae Yo Sqweet Hadrmony Taek You Swqeet Hardmony
Tale Yoh Ha4mony Talke Yohu Swet Ha4rmony Takle Youh Sweet Har4mony Taoe Yo7 Swset Hagmony Taoke Yo7u Hagrmony
Takoe You7 Sweset Hargmony Tame Yok Sw3et Hatmony Tamke Hatrmony Takme Youk Swe3et Hartmony Taje Yoi Swfet Ha5mony
Tajke Swfeet Ha5rmony Takje Youi Swefet Har5mony Taie Yo8 Swret Hafmony Taike Yo8u Swreet Hafrmony Takie You8 Sweret Harfmony
Takee Yoj Sw4et Haemony Tak Yoju Sw4eet Haermony Take Youj Swe4et Haremony Taks Yoy Swdet Harmmony Takse Yoyu Harony

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