Kirk Franklin
My Everything

Verse 1
You know I've had some lonely days
I've made mistakes and had to pay
I've had some friends that walked away
Just like mama told me
But there's someone who's love is real
Who cares about the way I feel
(I know you feel)
Every pain that erase every stain
There's peace when I call out Your name

Chorus 1
Jesus You're my everything
The cross You did that just for me
So whatever You take me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always with You

Verse 2
No one can touch my heart like You
Or make me smile the way You do
I've finally found someone who
Who really truly loves me
And when my strength has come and gone
Your life in me it makes me strong
Your hand is where my heart belongs
You took all my pain
And erased every stain

Chorus 1
Jesus You're my everything
The cross You did that just for me
So whatever You take me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always with You

Chorus 2
Jesus my whole life has changed
Since that day I cried You're name
For everytime You brought me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always with You

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh

Chorus 1
Jesus You're my everything
The cross You did that just for me
So whatever You take me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always with You

Chorus 2
Jesus my whole life has changed
Since that day I cried Your name
For everytime You brought me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always,
Spend my always with You

Chorus 1
Jesus You're my everything
The cross You did that just for me
So whatever You take me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always,
Spend my always with You

Jesus my whole life has changed
Since that day I cried Your name
For everytime You brought me through
I promise You
I'll spend my always with You

Spend my always with You
Spend my always with You

Mirror lyrics:

Spend my always with You
Spend my always with You

I'll spend my always with You
I promise You
For everytime You brought me through
Since that day I cried Your name
Jesus my whole life has changed

Spend my always with You
I'll spend my always,
I promise You
So whatever You take me through
The cross You did that just for me
Jesus You're my everything
Chorus 1

Spend my always with You
I'll spend my always,
I promise You
For everytime You brought me through
Since that day I cried Your name
Jesus my whole life has changed
Chorus 2

I'll spend my always with You
I promise You
So whatever You take me through
The cross You did that just for me
Jesus You're my everything
Chorus 1

Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh

I'll spend my always with You
I promise You
For everytime You brought me through
Since that day I cried You're name
Jesus my whole life has changed
Chorus 2

I'll spend my always with You
I promise You
So whatever You take me through
The cross You did that just for me
Jesus You're my everything
Chorus 1

And erased every stain
You took all my pain
Your hand is where my heart belongs
Your life in me it makes me strong
And when my strength has come and gone
Who really truly loves me
I've finally found someone who
Or make me smile the way You do
No one can touch my heart like You
Verse 2

I'll spend my always with You
I promise You
So whatever You take me through
The cross You did that just for me
Jesus You're my everything
Chorus 1

There's peace when I call out Your name
Every pain that erase every stain
(I know you feel)
Who cares about the way I feel
But there's someone who's love is real
Just like mama told me
I've had some friends that walked away
I've made mistakes and had to pay
You know I've had some lonely days
Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
MMy EEverything y verything yM vEerything jy sverything jMy sEverything Mjy Esverything ky 3verything kMy 3Everything Mky E3verything
ny fverything nMy fEverything Mny Efverything Myy rverything M rEverything My Erverything Mg 4verything Mgy 4Everything Myg E4verything
Mh dverything Mhy dEverything Myh Edverything M6 wverything M6y wEverything My6 Ewverything Mu Evverything Muy Eerything Myu Eevrything
M7 Eberything M7y Ebverything My7 Evberything Mj Ecerything Ecverything Myj Evcerything Mt Egerything Mty Egverything Myt Evgerything
Eferything Evferything Eveerything Evrything Evreything Evsrything Evserything Evesrything Ev3rything
Ev3erything Eve3rything Evfrything Evefrything Evrrything Evrerything Everrything Ev4rything Ev4erything
Eve4rything Evdrything Evderything Evedrything Evwrything Evwerything Evewrything Eveything Eveyrthing
Evedything Everdything Eve4ything Ever4ything Evegything Evegrything Evergything Evetything Evetrything
Evertything Eve5ything Eve5rything Ever5ything Evefything Everfything Eveeything Evereything Everyything
Everthing Evertyhing Evergthing Everygthing Everhthing Everhything Everyhthing Ever6thing

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