Kill Hannah
Statues Without Eyes

Lost and winter's on the way
And the air is caving in
And the streets are crumbling
But you are with me

Under the downtown city lights
We become statues without eyes
Barely audible
We're frozen in time
I have you where I want you

Oh and I need to look away
When the jets are overhead
And the storm is closing in
Yeah something is happening

Beneath the modern cold highrise
We become statues without eyes
Stand at attention
They all align
I have you where I want you

Then it all aligns
It all aligns
I have you where I want you
We are statues without eyes
We are statues without eyes
We are statues without eyes

Mirror lyrics:

We are statues without eyes
We are statues without eyes
We are statues without eyes
I have you where I want you
It all aligns
Then it all aligns

I have you where I want you
They all align
Stand at attention
We become statues without eyes
Beneath the modern cold highrise

Yeah something is happening
And the storm is closing in
When the jets are overhead
Oh and I need to look away

I have you where I want you
We're frozen in time
Barely audible
We become statues without eyes
Under the downtown city lights

But you are with me
And the streets are crumbling
And the air is caving in
Lost and winter's on the way

Relevant Tags:
SStatues WWithout EEyes tatues ithout yes tSatues iWthout yEes ztatues aithout syes zStatues aWithout sEyes Sztatues Waithout Esyes
wtatues 3ithout 3yes wStatues 3Without 3Eyes Swtatues W3ithout E3yes dtatues dithout fyes dStatues dWithout fEyes Sdtatues Wdithout Efyes
etatues eithout ryes eStatues eWithout rEyes Setatues Weithout Eryes xtatues sithout 4yes xStatues sWithout 4Eyes Sxtatues Wsithout E4yes
atatues 2ithout dyes aStatues 2Without dEyes Satatues W2ithout Edyes Sttatues qithout wyes Satues qWithout wEyes Sattues Wqithout Ewyes
Sfatues Wiithout Eyyes Sftatues Wthout Ees Stfatues Wtihout Eeys S5atues Wjthout Eges S5tatues Wjithout Egyes St5atues Wijthout Eyges
Shatues W9thout Ehes Shtatues W9ithout Ehyes Sthatues Wi9thout Eyhes Syatues Wlthout E6es Sytatues Wlithout E6yes Styatues Wilthout Ey6es
S6atues Wothout Eues S6tatues Woithout Euyes St6atues Wiothout Eyues Sgatues Wkthout E7es Sgtatues Wkithout E7yes Stgatues Wikthout Ey7es
Sratues W8thout Ejes Srtatues W8ithout Ejyes Stratues Wi8thout Eyjes Staatues Wuthout Etes Sttues Wuithout Etyes Sttaues Wiuthout Eytes
Stztues Witthout Eyees Stzatues Wihout Eys Staztues Wihtout Eyse Stqtues Wifhout Eyss Stqatues Wifthout Eyses Staqtues Witfhout Eyess
Ststues Wi5hout Ey3s Stsatues Wi5thout Ey3es Stastues Wit5hout Eye3s Stwtues Wihhout Eyfs Stwatues Wihthout Eyfes Stawtues Withhout Eyefs
Stxtues Wiyhout Eyrs Stxatues Wiythout Eyres Staxtues Wityhout Eyers Stattues Wi6hout Ey4s Staues Wi6thout Ey4es Stautes Wit6hout Eye4s
Stafues Wighout Eyds Staftues Wigthout Eydes Statfues Witghout Eyeds Sta5ues Wirhout Eyws Sta5tues Wirthout Eywes Stat5ues Witrhout Eyews
Stahues Stahtues Witout Eye Stathues Witohut Eyes Stayues Witjout Eyez

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