Kill Hannah
Nothing Is Mysterious

behing the trees on a second new highway
i watched her leave, i watched my strength go
but this is my own fault, i should have close the vault
to my own mind, i should have stayed in line
cause nothing's a mystery when nothing is mysterious
and nothing could ever leave me now
cause is my own stepping stone, and i won't slip off the edge
cause nothing could ever change me now

up on the hill, behind the mall
up on the hill, this is my final call
i want to hear the noise, but only with the right ears
i want to be complete, but only with the right puzzle piece

nothing's a mystery when nothing is mysterious
and nothing could ever leave me now
cause is my own stepping stone, i won't slip off the edge
and nothing could ever change me now

no one's a mystery when nothing is mysterious
and nothing could ever leave me now
cause is my own stepping stone, i won't slip off the edge
and nothing could ever change me now

Mirror lyrics:

and nothing could ever change me now
cause is my own stepping stone, i won't slip off the edge
and nothing could ever leave me now
no one's a mystery when nothing is mysterious

and nothing could ever change me now
cause is my own stepping stone, i won't slip off the edge
and nothing could ever leave me now
nothing's a mystery when nothing is mysterious

i want to be complete, but only with the right puzzle piece
i want to hear the noise, but only with the right ears
up on the hill, this is my final call
up on the hill, behind the mall

cause nothing could ever change me now
cause is my own stepping stone, and i won't slip off the edge
and nothing could ever leave me now
cause nothing's a mystery when nothing is mysterious
to my own mind, i should have stayed in line
but this is my own fault, i should have close the vault
i watched her leave, i watched my strength go
behing the trees on a second new highway

Relevant Tags:
NNothing IIs MMysterious othing s ysterious oNthing sI yMsterious mothing js jysterious mNothing jIs jMysterious Nmothing Ijs Mjysterious
hothing 9s kysterious hNothing 9Is kMysterious Nhothing I9s Mkysterious jothing ls nysterious jNothing lIs nMysterious Njothing Ils Mnysterious
bothing os Myysterious bNothing oIs Msterious Nbothing Ios Msyterious Noothing ks Mgsterious Nthing kIs Mgysterious Ntohing Iks Mygsterious
Nkthing 8s Mhsterious Nkothing 8Is Mhysterious Nokthing I8s Myhsterious N9thing us M6sterious N9othing uIs M6ysterious No9thing Ius My6sterious
N0thing Iss Musterious N0othing I Muysterious No0thing Is Myusterious Nlthing Iz M7sterious Nlothing Izs M7ysterious Nolthing Isz My7sterious
Nithing Iw Mjsterious Niothing Iws Noithing Isw Myjsterious Notthing Id Mtsterious Nohing Ids Mtysterious Nohting Isd Mytsterious
Nofhing Ie Myssterious Nofthing Ies Myterious Notfhing Ise Mytserious No5hing Ix Myzterious No5thing Ixs Myzsterious Not5hing Isx Myszterious
Nohhing Ia Mywterious Nohthing Ias Mywsterious Nothhing Isa Myswterious Noyhing Mydterious Noything Mydsterious Notyhing Mysdterious
No6hing Myeterious No6thing Myesterious Not6hing Myseterious Noghing Myxterious Nogthing Myxsterious Notghing Mysxterious
Norhing Myaterious Northing Myasterious Notrhing Mysaterious Mystterious Noting Myserious Notihng Mysetrious
Notjing Mysferious Notjhing Mysfterious Nothjing Mystferious Notuing Mys5erious Notuhing Mys5terious Nothuing Myst5erious
Notning Mysherious Notnhing Myshterious Nothning Mystherious Notbing Mysyerious Notbhing Mysyterious Nothbing Mystyerious
Notging Mys6erious Mys6terious Nothging Myst6erious Notying Mysgerious Mysgterious Nothying Mystgerious
Nothiing Mysrerious Nothng Mysrterious Nothnig Mystrerious Nothjng Mysteerious Mystrious Nothijng Mystreious
Noth9ng Mystsrious Noth9ing Mystserious Nothi9ng Mystesrious Nothlng Myst3rious Nothling Myst3erious Nothilng Myste3rious
Nothong Mystfrious Nothoing Nothiong Mystefrious Nothkng Mystrrious Nothking Nothikng Mysterrious
Noth8ng Myst4rious Noth8ing Myst4erious Nothi8ng Myste4rious Nothung Mystdrious Mystderious

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