Kill Bill
Dialogue D. Carradine & U. Thurman Truly And Utt

David Carradine:
Now, when it comes to you and us.
I have a few unanswered questions.
So, before this tale of bloody revenge reaches its climax
I'm gonna ask you some questions, and I want you to tell me the truth.
However, there in lies a dilemma
Because when it comes to the subject of me
I believe you are truly and utterly incapable of telling the truth.
Especially to me, and least of all, to yourself.
And when it comes to the subject of me,
I am truly and utterly incapable of believing anything you say

Uma Thurman:
How do you suppose we solve this dilemma?

David Carradine:
Well, it just so happens I have solution.

Mirror lyrics:

Well, it just so happens I have solution.
David Carradine:

How do you suppose we solve this dilemma?
Uma Thurman:

I am truly and utterly incapable of believing anything you say
And when it comes to the subject of me,
Especially to me, and least of all, to yourself.
I believe you are truly and utterly incapable of telling the truth.
Because when it comes to the subject of me
However, there in lies a dilemma
I'm gonna ask you some questions, and I want you to tell me the truth.
So, before this tale of bloody revenge reaches its climax
I have a few unanswered questions.
Now, when it comes to you and us.
David Carradine:

Relevant Tags:
DDialogue DD. CCarradine && UU. TThurman TTruly AAnd UUtt ialogue . arradine . hurman ruly nd tt
iDalogue .D aCrradine & .U hTurman rTuly nAd tUt xialogue x. farradine h. fhurman fruly znd htt
xDialogue xD. fCarradine hU. fThurman fTruly zAnd hUtt Dxialogue Dx. Cfarradine Uh. Tfhurman Tfruly Aznd Uhtt
eialogue e. xarradine 7. 5hurman 5ruly qnd 7tt eDialogue eD. xCarradine 7U. 5Thurman 5Truly qAnd 7Utt
Deialogue De. Cxarradine U7. T5hurman T5ruly Aqnd U7tt fialogue f. varradine k. hhurman hruly snd ktt
fDialogue fD. vCarradine kU. hThurman hTruly sAnd kUtt Dfialogue Df. Cvarradine Uk. Thhurman Thruly Asnd Uktt
rialogue r. darradine i. yhurman yruly wnd itt rDialogue rD. dCarradine iU. yThurman yTruly wAnd iUtt
Drialogue Dr. Cdarradine Ui. Tyhurman Tyruly Awnd Uitt cialogue c. Caarradine 8. 6hurman 6ruly xnd 8tt
cDialogue cD. Crradine 8U. 6Thurman 6Truly xAnd 8Utt Dcialogue Dc. Craradine U8. T6hurman T6ruly Axnd U8tt
sialogue s. Czrradine j. ghurman gruly Annd jtt sDialogue sD. Czarradine jU. gThurman gTruly Ad jUtt
Dsialogue Ds. Cazrradine Uj. Tghurman Tgruly Adn Ujtt Diialogue D.. Cqrradine y. rhurman rruly Amd ytt
Dalogue D Cqarradine yU. rThurman rTruly Amnd yUtt Dailogue D. Caqrradine Uy. Trhurman Trruly Anmd Uytt
Djalogue Csrradine U.. Ahd Uttt Djialogue Csarradine U Turman Tuly Ahnd Ut
Dijalogue Casrradine U. Tuhrman Turly Anhd Utt D9alogue Cwrradine Tjurman Tduly Ajd Uft
D9ialogue Cwarradine Tjhurman Tdruly Ajnd Uftt Di9alogue Cawrradine Thjurman Trduly Anjd Utft
Dlalogue Cxrradine Tuurman T4uly Abd U5t Dlialogue Tuhurman T4ruly Abnd U5tt
Dilalogue Caxrradine Thuurman Tr4uly Anbd Ut5t Doalogue Carrradine Tnurman Tguly Andd Uht
Doialogue Caradine Tnhurman An Dioalogue Carradine Thnurman Trguly And Utht
Dkalogue Cadradine Tburman Ttuly Anx Uyt Dkialogue Cadrradine Tbhurman Ttruly Anxd
Dikalogue Cardradine Thburman Trtuly Andx Utyt D8alogue Ca4radine Tgurman T5uly Ane U6t
D8ialogue Ca4rradine Aned U6tt Di8alogue Car4radine Thgurman Tr5uly Ande Ut6t
Dualogue Cagradine Tyurman Tfuly Anf Ugt Duialogue Cagrradine Anfd Ugtt
Diualogue Cargradine Thyurman Trfuly Andf Utgt Diaalogue Catradine Teuly Anr Urt
Dilogue Catrradine Thrman Teruly Anrd Urtt Dilaogue Cartradine Thruman Treuly Andr Utrt
Dizlogue Ca5radine Thhrman Truuly Anc Dizalogue Ca5rradine Trly Ancd
Diazlogue Car5radine Thuhrman Trluy Andc Diqlogue Cafradine Th7rman Trhly Ans Utf
Diqalogue Cafrradine Th7urman Trhuly Ansd Diaqlogue Carfradine Thu7rman Truhly Ands Uttf
Dislogue Caeradine Thkrman Tr7ly Ut5 Disalogue Caerradine Thkurman Tr7uly
Diaslogue Careradine Thukrman Tru7ly Utt5 Diwlogue Thirman Trkly Uth
Diwalogue Thiurman Trkuly Diawlogue Carardine Thuirman Trukly Utth

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