Kilcher Jewel
What's Simple Is True (aka A Song For Winter)

Turn to me with frozen lipsYour hands are icy coldYour
eyes burn brightAgainst the frost-bit skyYou never
seemed more lovelyThan you do tonightPale on the horizonLike
leaves frozen in the snowOur two shadows merge inseparablyWell
time stands stillIf it's pierced with coldThe more
I liveThe more I knowWhat's simple is trueI love youThere's
a warmth in my heartIt haunts me when you're goneMend
me to your sideAnd never let goSo time knows nothingWe'll
never grow coldThe more I liveThe more I knowWhat's
simple is trueI love youAnd twilight descendsOn our
silhouetteHow soon Spring comesHow soon Spring forgetsI
wanna hold timeSay it'll never beginOld Man Winter
be our friendOld Man Winter be our friendThe more I
liveThe more I knowWhat's simple is trueWhat's simple
is trueI love I love you

Mirror lyrics:

is trueI love I love you
liveThe more I knowWhat's simple is trueWhat's simple
be our friendOld Man Winter be our friendThe more I
wanna hold timeSay it'll never beginOld Man Winter
silhouetteHow soon Spring comesHow soon Spring forgetsI
simple is trueI love youAnd twilight descendsOn our
never grow coldThe more I liveThe more I knowWhat's
me to your sideAnd never let goSo time knows nothingWe'll
a warmth in my heartIt haunts me when you're goneMend
I liveThe more I knowWhat's simple is trueI love youThere's
time stands stillIf it's pierced with coldThe more
leaves frozen in the snowOur two shadows merge inseparablyWell
seemed more lovelyThan you do tonightPale on the horizonLike
eyes burn brightAgainst the frost-bit skyYou never
Turn to me with frozen lipsYour hands are icy coldYour

Relevant Tags:
WWhat's SSimple IIs TTrue ((aka AA SSong FFor WWinter) hat's imple s rue aka ong or inter) hWat's iSmple sI rTue a(ka A oSng oFr iWnter)
ahat's zimple js frue (aaka z zong cor ainter) aWhat's zSimple jIs fTrue (ka zA zSong cFor aWinter) Wahat's Szimple Ijs Tfrue (kaa Az Szong Fcor Wainter)
3hat's wimple 9s 5rue (zka q wong ror 3inter) 3What's wSimple 9Is 5True (zaka qA wSong rFor 3Winter) W3hat's Swimple I9s T5rue (azka Aq Swong Fror W3inter)
dhat's dimple ls hrue (qka s dong gor dinter) dWhat's dSimple lIs hTrue (qaka sA dSong gFor dWinter) Wdhat's Sdimple Ils Thrue (aqka As Sdong Fgor Wdinter)
ehat's eimple os yrue (ska w eong tor einter) eWhat's eSimple oIs yTrue (saka wA eSong tFor eWinter) Wehat's Seimple Ios Tyrue (aska Aw Seong Ftor Weinter)
shat's ximple ks 6rue (wka x xong vor sinter) sWhat's xSimple kIs 6True (waka xA xSong vFor sWinter) Wshat's Sximple Iks T6rue (awka Ax Sxong Fvor Wsinter)
2hat's aimple 8s grue (xka aong dor 2inter) 2What's aSimple 8Is gTrue (xaka aSong dFor 2Winter) W2hat's Saimple I8s Tgrue (axka Saong Fdor W2inter)
qhat's Siimple us rrue (akka Soong Foor qinter) qWhat's Smple uIs rTrue (aa Sng Fr qWinter) Wqhat's Smiple Ius Trrue (aak Snog Fro Wqinter)
Whhat's Sjmple Iss (ala Skng Fkr Wiinter) Wat's Sjimple I Tue (alka Skong Fkor Wnter) Waht's Sijmple Is Ture (akla Sokng Fokr Wniter)
Wjat's S9mple Iz Tdue (aoa S9ng F9r Wjnter) Wjhat's S9imple Izs Tdrue (aoka S9ong F9or Wjinter) Whjat's Si9mple Isz Trdue (akoa So9ng Fo9r Wijnter)
Wuat's Slmple Iw T4ue (ama S0ng F0r W9nter) Wuhat's Slimple Iws T4rue (amka S0ong F0or W9inter) Whuat's Silmple Isw Tr4ue (akma So0ng Fo0r Wi9nter)
Wnat's Somple Id Tgue (aja Slng Flr Wlnter) Wnhat's Soimple Ids (ajka Slong Flor Wlinter) Whnat's Siomple Isd Trgue (akja Solng Folr Wilnter)
Wbat's Skmple Ie Ttue (aia Sing Fir Wonter) Wbhat's Skimple Ies Ttrue (aika Siong Fior Wointer) Whbat's Sikmple Ise Trtue (akia Soing Foir Wionter)
Wgat's S8mple Ix T5ue (akaa Sonng Forr Wknter) Wghat's S8imple Ixs (ak Sog Fo Wkinter) Whgat's Si8mple Isx Tr5ue (aka Sogn For Wiknter)
Wyat's Sumple Ia Tfue (akz Somg Fod W8nter) Wyhat's Suimple Ias (akza Somng Fodr W8inter) Whyat's Siumple Isa Trfue (akaz Sonmg Ford Wi8nter)
Whaat's Simmple Teue (akq Sohg Fo4 Wunter) Wht's Siple Terue (akqa Sohng Fo4r Wuinter) Whta's Sipmle Treue (akaq Sonhg For4 Wiunter)
Whzt's Sijple Truue (aks Sojg Fog Winnter) Whzat's Tre (aksa Sojng Fogr Witer) Whazt's Simjple Treu (akas Sonjg Forg Witner)
Whqt's Sikple Trhe (akw Sobg Fot Wimter) Whqat's Trhue (akwa Sobng Fotr Wimnter) Whaqt's Simkple Truhe (akaw Sonbg Fort Winmter)
Whst's Sinple Tr7e (akx Songg Fo5 Wihter) Whsat's Sinmple Tr7ue (akxa Son Fo5r Wihnter) Whast's Simnple Tru7e (akax Song For5 Winhter)
Whwt's Simpple Trke Sonh Fof Wijter) Whwat's Simle Trkue Fofr Whawt's Simlpe Truke Songh Forf Winjter)
Whxt's Sim0le Trie Sony Foe Wibter) Whxat's Sim0ple Triue Sonyg Foer Wibnter) Whaxt's Simp0le Truie Songy Fore Winbter)
Whatt's Simlle Tr8e Sonb Wintter) Wha's Simlple Tr8ue Winer)

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