Kill Your Idols

A Long way from home, Id like to say I miss you.
There is just one problem,
there is no one to say this to.
Id love to sing this song and say its about you.
But how could you know this?
What should I do? 'cause theres no name to this place,
and theres no game to this chase,
theres no shelter from this waste and theres no smile
on this face. Im still alone without a clue,
I tell myself that I hate you.
If only you could think of me the way I think of you.
What happened to my precious mind?
Ive been searching but still cant find.
Its what I need to feel inside, so much frustration I can not hide.

Mirror lyrics:

Its what I need to feel inside, so much frustration I can not hide.
Ive been searching but still cant find.
What happened to my precious mind?
If only you could think of me the way I think of you.
I tell myself that I hate you.
on this face. Im still alone without a clue,
theres no shelter from this waste and theres no smile
and theres no game to this chase,
What should I do? 'cause theres no name to this place,
But how could you know this?
Id love to sing this song and say its about you.
there is no one to say this to.
There is just one problem,
A Long way from home, Id like to say I miss you.

Relevant Tags:
NNameless ameless aNmeless mameless mNameless Nmameless hameless hNameless Nhameless jameless jNameless
Njameless bameless bNameless Nbameless Naameless Nmeless Nmaeless Nzmeless Nzameless Nazmeless Nqmeless
Nqameless Naqmeless Nsmeless Nsameless Nasmeless Nwmeless Nwameless Nawmeless Nxmeless Nxameless Naxmeless
Nammeless Naeless Naemless Najeless Najmeless Namjeless Nakeless Nakmeless Namkeless Naneless Nanmeless
Namneless Nameeless Namless Namleess Namsless Namseless Namesless Nam3less Nam3eless Name3less Namfless
Namfeless Namefless Namrless Namreless Namerless Nam4less Nam4eless Name4less Namdless Namdeless Namedless

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