Kirsty Maccoll
The Hardest Word

(kirsty maccoll/hamish maccoll)

With me in the valley you out on the hill
I can just see you if I close my eyes
Climbing those mountains I picture you still
I see your smile just as I saw the sunrise
This land is ancient it's built out of bones
At war with each other, the mother, the father
The sisters, the brothers, the daughters and sons
Be kind to each other, your father, your mother

On the horizon the eagles are flying
And I mean no more than a cloud in the sky
I never know if I'm laughing or crying
The hardest word is the word goodbye
Teach me the old ways I'm ready to learn
Be kind to the sister, be kind to the brother
The writer, the singer, the poet, the clown
Be good to the man and be kind to them all

And we are ancient built from bones
Make time for the young and make time for the old
Be kind to each other oh that's what I know
Be kind to the mothers, daughters and sons

The true and the great and the scared and the small
Be kind to each other, be kind to them all
Forgive our indignity and we forgive yours
As I am the mother, you are the father
Entwined in each other, now and forever
The fathers of daughters, the mothers of sons
Forever and ever and ever as one
As we are the fathers, we are the sons
And we are the daughters, the mothers and brothers
Forever and ever and ever as one

Mirror lyrics:

Forever and ever and ever as one
And we are the daughters, the mothers and brothers
As we are the fathers, we are the sons
Forever and ever and ever as one
The fathers of daughters, the mothers of sons
Entwined in each other, now and forever
As I am the mother, you are the father
Forgive our indignity and we forgive yours
Be kind to each other, be kind to them all
The true and the great and the scared and the small

Be kind to the mothers, daughters and sons
Be kind to each other oh that's what I know
Make time for the young and make time for the old
And we are ancient built from bones

Be good to the man and be kind to them all
The writer, the singer, the poet, the clown
Be kind to the sister, be kind to the brother
Teach me the old ways I'm ready to learn
The hardest word is the word goodbye
I never know if I'm laughing or crying
And I mean no more than a cloud in the sky
On the horizon the eagles are flying

Be kind to each other, your father, your mother
The sisters, the brothers, the daughters and sons
At war with each other, the mother, the father
This land is ancient it's built out of bones
I see your smile just as I saw the sunrise
Climbing those mountains I picture you still
I can just see you if I close my eyes
With me in the valley you out on the hill

(kirsty maccoll/hamish maccoll)

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHardest WWord he ardest ord hTe aHrdest oWrd fhe jardest aord fThe jHardest aWord Tfhe Hjardest Waord 5he uardest 3ord
5The uHardest 3Word T5he Huardest W3ord hhe nardest dord hThe nHardest dWord Thhe Hnardest Wdord yhe bardest eord yThe bHardest eWord
Tyhe Hbardest Weord 6he gardest sord 6The gHardest sWord T6he Hgardest Wsord ghe yardest 2ord gThe yHardest 2Word Tghe Hyardest W2ord
rhe Haardest qord rThe Hrdest qWord Trhe Hradest Wqord Hzrdest Woord Te Hzardest Wrd Teh Hazrdest Wrod Tje Hqrdest Wkrd
Tjhe Hqardest Wkord Thje Haqrdest Wokrd Tue Hsrdest W9rd Tuhe Hsardest W9ord Thue Hasrdest Wo9rd Tne Hwrdest W0rd Tnhe Hwardest W0ord
Thne Hawrdest Wo0rd Tbe Hxrdest Wlrd Tbhe Hxardest Wlord Thbe Haxrdest Wolrd Tge Harrdest Wird Hadest Wiord Thge Hadrest Woird
Tye Haddest Worrd Hadrdest Wod Thye Harddest Wodr Thee Ha4dest Wodd Th Ha4rdest Wodrd The Har4dest Wordd Ths Hagdest Wo4d
Thse Hagrdest Wo4rd Thes Hargdest Wor4d Th3 Hatdest Wogd Th3e Hatrdest Wogrd The3 Hartdest Worgd Thf Ha5dest Wotd Thfe Ha5rdest Wotrd
Thef Har5dest Wortd Thr Hafdest Wo5d Thre Hafrdest Wo5rd Ther Harfdest Wor5d Th4 Haedest Wofd Th4e Haerdest Wofrd The4 Haredest Worfd
Thd Woed Thde Harest Woerd Thed Haredst Wored Thw Harxest Thwe Harxdest Wor Thew Hardxest Word Hareest Worx

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