King Diamond
The Family Ghost

[SOLO: Andy.]
The darkness came closer to home on the
following night
And Miriam slept like a rock when
Jonathan's face went white

The bedroom was ice cold
But the fire was burning still
The blinding light
The Family Ghost had risen again...The Ghost

"Don't be scared, Don't be scared now My Friend
I am Count de LaFey
Let me take You to the crypt down below
Where Abigail rests"

"Let Miriam sleep
She never would understand
Now come let us go...It's time to know"

[SOLO: Mike - SOLO: Andy]

"Beware of the slippery stairs
You could easily fall and break Your neck
Hand me that torch and I will lead the way
To the secret in the dark
Take a look into the vault, the Vault
The sarcophagus...of a child
Abigail has been in here for years and years
stillborn", Born...Born...Born

"The spirit of Abigail is inside Your Wife
and there's only one way You can stop
the rebirth of evil itself
You must take her life now

Mirror lyrics:

You must take her life now
the rebirth of evil itself
and there's only one way You can stop
"The spirit of Abigail is inside Your Wife

stillborn", Born...Born...Born
Abigail has been in here for years and years
The sarcophagus...of a child
Take a look into the vault, the Vault
To the secret in the dark
Hand me that torch and I will lead the way
You could easily fall and break Your neck
"Beware of the slippery stairs

[SOLO: Mike - SOLO: Andy]

Now come let us go...It's time to know"
She never would understand
"Let Miriam sleep

Where Abigail rests"
Let me take You to the crypt down below
I am Count de LaFey
"Don't be scared, Don't be scared now My Friend

The Family Ghost had risen again...The Ghost
The blinding light
But the fire was burning still
The bedroom was ice cold

Jonathan's face went white
And Miriam slept like a rock when
following night
The darkness came closer to home on the
[SOLO: Andy.]

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFamily GGhost he amily host hTe aFmily hGost fhe camily hhost fThe cFamily hGhost Tfhe Fcamily Ghhost 5he ramily yhost
5The rFamily yGhost T5he Framily Gyhost hhe gamily bhost hThe gFamily bGhost Thhe Fgamily Gbhost yhe tamily vhost yThe tFamily vGhost
Tyhe Ftamily Gvhost 6he vamily fhost 6The vFamily fGhost T6he Fvamily Gfhost ghe damily thost gThe dFamily tGhost Tghe Fdamily Gthost
rhe Faamily rThe Fmily Gost Trhe Fmaily Gohst Fzmily Gjost Te Fzamily Gjhost Teh Fazmily Ghjost Tje Fqmily Guost
Tjhe Fqamily Guhost Thje Faqmily Ghuost Tue Fsmily Gnost Tuhe Fsamily Gnhost Thue Fasmily Ghnost Tne Fwmily Gbost Tnhe Fwamily
Thne Fawmily Ghbost Tbe Fxmily Ggost Tbhe Fxamily Gghost Thbe Faxmily Ghgost Tge Fammily Gyost Faily Thge Faimly Ghyost
Tye Fajily Ghoost Fajmily Ghst Thye Famjily Ghsot Thee Fakily Ghkst Th Fakmily Ghkost The Famkily Ghokst Ths Fanily Gh9st
Thse Fanmily Gh9ost Thes Famnily Gho9st Th3 Famiily Gh0st Th3e Famly Gh0ost

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