King Crimson
It's Still Called The Blues

People got money
Still got problems
Got to the doctor
And try to solve them
Anyway you look at it
It's still called the blues

Baby needs new shoes
Mama needs a new dress
Daddy's out scufflin'
Tryin' to do his best
Anyway you look at it
It's still called the blues

Makes no difference
What you do or say
The blues might still
Come your way
Just when you think
Your trouble's about to end
Along comes something
And start it all over again

You party on a saturday
Go to church on sunday
Fun leaves you because
Gotta work on monday
Anyway you look at it
It's still called the blues

Makes no difference
What you do or say
The blues might still
Come your way
Just when you think
Your trouble's about to end
Along comes something
And start it all over again

Ain't got no money
To pay the rent
Baby's gone
You spent your last cent
Mm, still called the blues
Still called the blues, y'all

Anyway you look at it
Makes no difference
What you do or say
The blues might still
Come your way
Just when you think
Your trouble's about to end
Along comes something
And start it all over again

Mirror lyrics:

And start it all over again
Along comes something
Your trouble's about to end
Just when you think
Come your way
The blues might still
What you do or say
Makes no difference
Anyway you look at it

Still called the blues, y'all
Mm, still called the blues
You spent your last cent
Baby's gone
To pay the rent
Ain't got no money

And start it all over again
Along comes something
Your trouble's about to end
Just when you think
Come your way
The blues might still
What you do or say
Makes no difference

It's still called the blues
Anyway you look at it
Gotta work on monday
Fun leaves you because
Go to church on sunday
You party on a saturday

And start it all over again
Along comes something
Your trouble's about to end
Just when you think
Come your way
The blues might still
What you do or say
Makes no difference

It's still called the blues
Anyway you look at it
Tryin' to do his best
Daddy's out scufflin'
Mama needs a new dress
Baby needs new shoes

It's still called the blues
Anyway you look at it
And try to solve them
Got to the doctor
Still got problems
People got money

Relevant Tags:
IIt's SStill CCalled TThe BBlues t's till alled he lues tI's tSill aClled hTe lBues jt's ztill falled fhe vlues jIt's zStill fCalled fThe vBlues
Ijt's Sztill Cfalled Tfhe Bvlues 9t's wtill xalled 5he glues 9It's wStill xCalled 5The gBlues I9t's Swtill Cxalled T5he Bglues lt's dtill valled hhe nlues
lIt's dStill vCalled hThe nBlues Ilt's Sdtill Cvalled Thhe Bnlues ot's etill dalled yhe hlues oIt's eStill dCalled yThe hBlues Iot's Setill Cdalled Tyhe Bhlues
kt's xtill Caalled 6he Bllues kIt's xStill Clled 6The Bues Ikt's Sxtill Claled T6he Bules 8t's atill Czlled ghe Bkues 8It's aStill Czalled gThe Bklues
I8t's Satill Cazlled Tghe Blkues ut's Sttill Cqlled rhe Boues uIt's Sill Cqalled rThe Bolues Iut's Sitll Caqlled Trhe Bloues Itt's Sfill Cslled Bpues
I's Sftill Csalled Te Bplues I'ts Stfill Caslled Teh Blpues If's S5ill Cwlled Tje Bluues Ift's S5till Cwalled Tjhe Bles Itf's St5ill Cawlled Thje Bleus
I5's Shill Cxlled Tue Blhes I5t's Shtill Tuhe Blhues It5's Sthill Caxlled Thue Bluhes Ih's Syill Callled Tne Bl7es Iht's Sytill Caled Tnhe Bl7ues
Ith's Styill Called Thne Blu7es Iy's S6ill Cakled Tbe Blkes Iyt's S6till Caklled Tbhe Ity's St6ill Calkled Thbe Blukes I6's Sgill Caoled Tge Blies
I6t's Sgtill Caolled Bliues It6's Stgill Caloled Thge Bluies Ig's Srill Capled Tye Bl8es Igt's Srtill Caplled Bl8ues Itg's Strill Calpled Thye Blu8es
Ir's Stiill Thee Bljes

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