King Crimson
Into The Frying Pan

I was just now thinking about the Jaws Of Life
how they chew you up and spit you right
back into the frying pan

And how life unwinds around and around
up and down, you think you're fine
but then you're back in the frying pan

And how life unwinds
you think you're fine
but then...

Mirror lyrics:

but then...
you think you're fine
And how life unwinds

but then you're back in the frying pan
up and down, you think you're fine
And how life unwinds around and around

back into the frying pan
how they chew you up and spit you right
I was just now thinking about the Jaws Of Life

Relevant Tags:
IInto TThe FFrying PPan nto he rying an nIto hTe rFying aPn jnto fhe crying 0an jInto fThe cFrying 0Pan Ijnto Tfhe Fcrying P0an
9nto 5he rrying lan 9Into 5The rFrying lPan I9nto T5he Frrying Plan lnto hhe grying oan lInto hThe gFrying oPan Ilnto Thhe Fgrying Poan
onto yhe trying Paan oInto yThe tFrying Pn Ionto Tyhe Ftrying Pna knto 6he vrying Pzn kInto 6The vFrying Pzan Iknto T6he Fvrying Pazn
8nto ghe drying Pqn 8Into gThe dFrying Pqan I8nto Tghe Fdrying Paqn unto rhe Psn uInto rThe Fying Psan Iunto Trhe Fyring Pasn
Innto Fdying Pwn Ito Te Pwan Itno Teh Frdying Pawn Imto Tje F4ying Pxn Imnto Tjhe F4rying Pxan Inmto Thje Fr4ying Paxn
Ihto Tue Fgying Pann Ihnto Tuhe Pa Inhto Thue Frgying Pan Ijto Tne Ftying Pam Tnhe Pamn Injto Thne Frtying Panm
Ibto Tbe F5ying Pah Ibnto Tbhe F5rying Pahn Inbto Thbe Fr5ying Panh Intto Tge Ffying Paj Ino Ffrying Pajn Inot Thge Frfying Panj
Info Tye Feying Pab Infto Ferying Pabn Intfo Thye Freying Panb In5o Thee Fryying In5to Th Fring Int5o The Friyng
Inho Ths Frging Thse Intho Thes Fryging Inyo Th3 Frhing Inyto Th3e Frhying Intyo The3 Fryhing
In6o Thf Fr6ing In6to Thfe Fr6ying Int6o Thef Fry6ing Ingo Thr Fruing Ingto Thre Fruying

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