King Crimson
I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket

I've been a roaming romeo
My juliets have been many
But now my roaming days are gone
Too many irons in the fire
Is worse than not having any
I've had my share and from now on

I'm putting all my eggs in one basket
I'm betting everything i got on you
I'm giving all my love to one baby
Lord help me
If my baby don't come through

I've got a great big amount
Saved up in my love account
Honey, and i decided
Love divided in two won't do
So i'm putting all my eggs in one basket
I'm betting everything i got on you

Now here's what i mean.

I've been a roaming juliet
Yeah, she has
My romeos have been many
You're right, baby
But now my roaming days are gone
That's what i wanna hear
Too many irons in the fire
Is worse than not having any
Um huh!
I've had my share and from now on

I'm putting all my eggs in one basket
I'm betting everything i got on you
I'm giving all my love to one baby
Lord help me
If my baby don't come through

Got a great big amount
Saved up in my love account
Honey, i've decided
Love divided in two won't do
In two, won't do
So i'm putting all my eggs in one basket
I'm betting everything i got on you
I'm betting everything i got on you

I'm betting on you, baby.
Got on you.
I'm betting on you.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm betting on you.
Got on you.
I'm betting on you, baby.

I'm betting everything i got on you
I'm betting everything i got on you
So i'm putting all my eggs in one basket
In two, won't do
Love divided in two won't do
Honey, i've decided
Saved up in my love account
Got a great big amount

If my baby don't come through
Lord help me
I'm giving all my love to one baby
I'm betting everything i got on you
I'm putting all my eggs in one basket

I've had my share and from now on
Um huh!
Is worse than not having any
Too many irons in the fire
That's what i wanna hear
But now my roaming days are gone
You're right, baby
My romeos have been many
Yeah, she has
I've been a roaming juliet

Now here's what i mean.

I'm betting everything i got on you
So i'm putting all my eggs in one basket
Love divided in two won't do
Honey, and i decided
Saved up in my love account
I've got a great big amount

If my baby don't come through
Lord help me
I'm giving all my love to one baby
I'm betting everything i got on you
I'm putting all my eggs in one basket

I've had my share and from now on
Is worse than not having any
Too many irons in the fire
But now my roaming days are gone
My juliets have been many
I've been a roaming romeo

Relevant Tags:
II'm PPutting AAll MMy EEggs IIn OOne BBasket 'm utting ll y ggs n ne asket 'Im uPtting lAl yM gEgs nI nOe aBsket
j'm 0utting zll jy sggs jn kne vasket jI'm 0Putting zAll jMy sEggs jIn kOne vBasket Ij'm P0utting Azll Mjy Esggs Ijn Okne Bvasket
9'm lutting qll ky 3ggs 9n 9ne gasket 9I'm lPutting qAll kMy 3Eggs 9In 9One gBasket I9'm Plutting Aqll Mky E3ggs I9n O9ne Bgasket
l'm outting sll ny fggs ln 0ne nasket lI'm oPutting sAll nMy fEggs lIn 0One nBasket Il'm Poutting Asll Mny Efggs Iln O0ne Bnasket
o'm Puutting wll Myy rggs on lne hasket oI'm Ptting wAll M rEggs oIn lOne hBasket Io'm Ptuting Awll My Erggs Ion Olne Bhasket
k'm Phtting xll Mg 4ggs kn ine Baasket kI'm Phutting xAll Mgy 4Eggs kIn iOne Bsket Ik'm Puhtting Axll Myg E4ggs Ikn Oine Bsaket
8'm P7tting Alll Mh dggs 8n Onne Bzsket 8I'm P7utting Al Mhy dEggs 8In Oe Bzasket I8'm Pu7tting All Myh Edggs I8n Oen Bazsket
u'm Pktting Akl M6 wggs un Ome Bqsket uI'm Pkutting Akll M6y wEggs uIn Omne Bqasket Iu'm Puktting Alkl My6 Ewggs Iun Onme Baqsket
I''m Pitting Aol Mu Egggs Inn Ohe Bssket Im Piutting Aoll Muy Egs I Ohne Bsasket Im' Puitting Alol Myu Eggs In Onhe Bassket
I'mm P8tting Apl M7 Ehgs Im Oje Bwsket I' P8utting Apll M7y Ehggs Imn Ojne Bwasket I'm Pu8tting Alpl My7 Eghgs Inm Onje Bawsket
I'j Pjtting Mj Eygs Ih Obe Bxsket I'jm Pjutting Eyggs Ihn Obne Bxasket I'mj Pujtting Myj Egygs Inh Onbe Baxsket
I'k Pytting Alk Mt Ebgs Ij Onee I'km Pyutting Mty Ebggs On Baket I'mk Puytting Allk Myt Egbgs Inj One Bakset
I'n Puttting Alo Evgs Ib Ons Bazket I'nm Puting Evggs Ibn Onse I'mn Putting Allo Egvgs Inb Ones Baszket
Pufting Alp Efgs On3 Bawket Puftting On3e Putfting Allp Egfgs One3 Baswket
Pu5ting Etgs Onf Badket Pu5tting Etggs Onfe Badsket Put5ting Egtgs Onef Basdket
Puhting Onr Baeket Onre Baesket Puthting Egsg Oner Baseket
Puyting Eghs On4 Baxket On4e Putyting Egghs One4 Basxket
Pu6ting Egys Ond Baaket Pu6tting Onde Put6ting Eggys Oned Basaket
Pugting Egbs Onw Baskket Pugtting Onwe Baset Putgting Eggbs Onew Basekt
Purting Egvs Baslet Purtting Baslket Putrting Eggvs Basklet
Egfs Basoet Basoket Putitng Eggfs Baskoet
Putfing Egts Basmet Basmket

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