Kitty Wells
One Day At A Time

(Kris Kristofferson, Marijohn Wilkin)

I'm only human, I'm just a woman
Help me believe and all I can be and all that I am
Show me the stairway I have to climb
And Lord for my sake please teach me to take one day at a time.

One day at a time sweet Jesus (sweet jesus)
That's all I'm asking of you
Just give me the strength to do everyday
What I have to do.

For yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
So help me I pray show me the way
One day at a time.

Lord, do you remember when
You walked among men
Well Jesus, you know you're looking below
It's worse now than then.

It's pushing and shoving
Bending my mind
So Lord, for my sake teach me to take
One day at a time.

One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking of you
Just give me the strength to do
Everyday what I have to do.

For yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
So help me I pray show me the way
One day at a time.

Lord, help me I pray show me the way
One day at a time...

Mirror lyrics:

One day at a time...
Lord, help me I pray show me the way

One day at a time.
So help me I pray show me the way
And tomorrow may never be mine
For yesterday's gone sweet Jesus

Everyday what I have to do.
Just give me the strength to do
That's all I'm asking of you
One day at a time sweet Jesus

One day at a time.
So Lord, for my sake teach me to take
Bending my mind
It's pushing and shoving

It's worse now than then.
Well Jesus, you know you're looking below
You walked among men
Lord, do you remember when

One day at a time.
So help me I pray show me the way
And tomorrow may never be mine
For yesterday's gone sweet Jesus

What I have to do.
Just give me the strength to do everyday
That's all I'm asking of you
One day at a time sweet Jesus (sweet jesus)

And Lord for my sake please teach me to take one day at a time.
Show me the stairway I have to climb
Help me believe and all I can be and all that I am
I'm only human, I'm just a woman

(Kris Kristofferson, Marijohn Wilkin)

Relevant Tags:
OOne DDay AAt AA TTime ne ay t ime nOe aDy tA A iTme kne xay zt z fime kOne xDay zAt zA fTime Okne Dxay Azt Az Tfime
9ne eay qt q 5ime 9One eDay qAt qA 5Time O9ne Deay Aqt Aq T5ime 0ne fay st s hime 0One fDay sAt sA hTime O0ne Dfay Ast As Thime
lne ray wt w yime lOne rDay wAt wA yTime Olne Dray Awt Aw Tyime ine cay xt x 6ime iOne cDay xAt xA 6Time Oine Dcay Axt Ax T6ime
Onne say Att gime Oe sDay A gTime Oen Dsay At Tgime Ome Daay Af rime Omne Dy Aft rTime Onme Dya Atf Trime
Ohe Dzy A5 Tiime Ohne Dzay A5t Tme Onhe Dazy At5 Tmie Oje Dqy Ah Tjme Ojne Dqay Aht Tjime Onje Daqy Ath Tijme
Obe Dsy Ay T9me Obne Ayt T9ime Onbe Dasy Aty Ti9me Onee Dwy A6 Tlme On Dway A6t Tlime One Dawy At6 Tilme
Ons Dxy Ag Tome Onse Agt Toime Ones Daxy Atg Tiome On3 Dayy Ar Tkme On3e Da Art Tkime

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