Kitty Wells
Jesus Take A Hold

(Merle Haggard)
Johnny Wright

Like the ancient Roman empire this world is doin' to fall
And it's much too bigger thing for mortal men
Just take a look around and see the writing on the wall
Somehow we've got to find a helping hand.

This world has never been in the awful shape it's in
And people scorn the things our leaders do
It's time the prayer was spoken from the heart of every man
Jesus take a hold and lead us through.

--- Instrumental ---

The mighty roar of gunfire is now a local sound
And our city streets are filled with angry men
Love is now a mockery throughout our troubled land
And destruction seems to be the current trend.

This world has never been in the awful shape it's in
And our leaders seem in doubt of what to do
It's time the prayer was spoken from the heart of every man
Jesus take a hold and lead us through.

Jesus take a hold and lead us through...

Mirror lyrics:

Jesus take a hold and lead us through...

Jesus take a hold and lead us through.
It's time the prayer was spoken from the heart of every man
And our leaders seem in doubt of what to do
This world has never been in the awful shape it's in

And destruction seems to be the current trend.
Love is now a mockery throughout our troubled land
And our city streets are filled with angry men
The mighty roar of gunfire is now a local sound

--- Instrumental ---

Jesus take a hold and lead us through.
It's time the prayer was spoken from the heart of every man
And people scorn the things our leaders do
This world has never been in the awful shape it's in

Somehow we've got to find a helping hand.
Just take a look around and see the writing on the wall
And it's much too bigger thing for mortal men
Like the ancient Roman empire this world is doin' to fall

Johnny Wright
(Merle Haggard)

Relevant Tags:
JJesus TTake AA HHold esus ake old eJsus aTke A oHld kesus fake z jold kJesus fTake zA jHold Jkesus Tfake Az Hjold
iesus 5ake q uold iJesus 5Take qA uHold Jiesus T5ake Aq Huold mesus hake s nold mJesus hTake sA nHold Jmesus Thake As Hnold
nesus yake w bold nJesus yTake wA bHold Jnesus Tyake Aw Hbold hesus 6ake x gold hJesus 6Take xA gHold Jhesus T6ake Ax Hgold
uesus gake yold uJesus gTake yHold Juesus Tgake Hyold Jeesus rake Hoold Jsus rTake Hld Jseus Trake Hlod
Jssus Taake Hkld Jsesus Tke Hkold Jessus Tkae Hokld J3sus Tzke H9ld J3esus Tzake H9old Je3sus Tazke Ho9ld
Jfsus Tqke H0ld Jfesus Tqake H0old Jefsus Taqke Ho0ld Jrsus Tske Hlld Jresus Tsake Hlold Jersus Taske Holld
J4sus Twke Hild J4esus Twake Hiold Je4sus Tawke Hoild Jdsus Txke Jdesus Txake Hod Jedsus Taxke Hodl
Jwsus Takke Hokd Jwesus Tae Jewsus Taek Holkd Tale Hood Jeus Talke Jeuss Takle Holod
Jezus Taoe Hopd Jezsus Taoke Hopld Jeszus Takoe Holpd Jewus Tame Holdd Tamke Hol Jeswus Takme Hold

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