Kitty Wells
Invitation To Your Party

(Bill Taylor)

I received my invitation to your party
And I hope that you don't think that I'll attend
Although I'm not conceding or a smarting
I still recall the things that might have been.

I recall many times you said you love me
Before your someone new drove us apart
Did you invite me to your party 'cause you miss me
Or to let your friends all see my broken heart?

--- Instrumental ---

So you see why I won't be there at your party
I'd see you and my heart would break anew
So I'll just keep my tearstain invitation
You go ahead and keep your someone new...

Mirror lyrics:

You go ahead and keep your someone new...
So I'll just keep my tearstain invitation
I'd see you and my heart would break anew
So you see why I won't be there at your party

--- Instrumental ---

Or to let your friends all see my broken heart?
Did you invite me to your party 'cause you miss me
Before your someone new drove us apart
I recall many times you said you love me

I still recall the things that might have been.
Although I'm not conceding or a smarting
And I hope that you don't think that I'll attend
I received my invitation to your party

(Bill Taylor)

Relevant Tags:
IInvitation TTo YYour PParty nvitation o our arty nIvitation oT oYur aPrty jnvitation fo gour 0arty jInvitation fTo gYour 0Party Ijnvitation Tfo Ygour P0arty
9nvitation 5o hour larty 9Invitation 5To hYour lParty I9nvitation T5o Yhour Plarty lnvitation ho 6our oarty lInvitation hTo 6Your oParty Ilnvitation Tho Y6our Poarty
onvitation yo uour Paarty oInvitation yTo uYour Prty Ionvitation Tyo Yuour Praty knvitation 6o 7our Pzrty kInvitation 6To 7Your Pzarty Iknvitation T6o Y7our Pazrty
8nvitation go jour Pqrty 8Invitation gTo jYour Pqarty I8nvitation Tgo Yjour Paqrty unvitation ro tour Psrty uInvitation rTo tYour Psarty Iunvitation Tro Ytour Pasrty
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Ibvitation Tl Ylur Pa4ty Ibnvitation Tlo Ylour Pa4rty Inbvitation Tol Yolur Par4ty Invvitation Ti Yiur Pagty Initation Tio Yiour Pagrty Inivtation Toi Yoiur Pargty
Inbitation Youur Patty Yor Patrty Invbitation Yoru Partty Incitation Yohr Pa5ty Incvitation Yohur Pa5rty Invcitation Youhr Par5ty
Ingitation Yo7r Pafty Ingvitation Yo7ur Pafrty Invgitation You7r Parfty Infitation Yokr Paety Infvitation Paerty Invfitation Youkr Parety
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Inv8tation You4 Pargy Inv8itation You4r Invi8tation Your4 Partgy Invutation Youg Parry Invuitation Yougr Inviutation Yourg Partry
Invittation Yout Inviation Youtr Part Inviattion Yourt Party Invifation You5 Partg Inviftation You5r Invitfation Your5 Partyg
Invi5ation Youf Parth Invi5tation Youfr Invit5ation Yourf Partyh Invihation Youe Part6 Invihtation Youer Invithation Youre Party6
Inviyation Partu Inviytation Partuy Invityation Partyu Invi6ation Part7 Invi6tation Part7y Invit6ation Party7
Invigation Partj

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