Kieran Goss
Driving Home To You

Hello Marie, it's late to phone

Just to say I'm coming home

Say goodnight to our child

The radio says the weather's mild

I'm driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

Don't wait up now, go to bed

No it didn't go to my head

I only had one or two

Tell me what else could I do

I'm driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

He must have skidded on the ice

The radio never gets it right

She awakened in the night

No sign of him it's getting light

He must be driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

Hello Marie, don't hide your tears

Could it be over a year

She said she spoke to him today

She could have sworn she heard him say

I'm driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

She could have sworn she heard him say

She said she spoke to him today

Could it be over a year

Hello Marie, don't hide your tears

I'm driving home to you

He must be driving home to you

No sign of him it's getting light

She awakened in the night

The radio never gets it right

He must have skidded on the ice

I'm driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

Tell me what else could I do

I only had one or two

No it didn't go to my head

Don't wait up now, go to bed

I'm driving home to you

I'm driving home to you

The radio says the weather's mild

Say goodnight to our child

Just to say I'm coming home

Hello Marie, it's late to phone

Relevant Tags:
DDriving HHome TTo YYou riving ome o ou rDiving oHme oT oYu xriving jome fo gou xDriving jHome fTo gYou Dxriving Hjome Tfo Ygou
eriving uome 5o hou eDriving uHome 5To hYou Deriving Huome T5o Yhou friving nome ho 6ou fDriving nHome hTo 6You Dfriving Hnome Tho Y6ou
rriving bome yo uou rDriving bHome yTo uYou Drriving Hbome Tyo Yuou criving gome 6o 7ou cDriving gHome 6To 7You Dcriving Hgome T6o Y7ou
sriving yome go jou sDriving yHome gTo jYou Dsriving Hyome Tgo Yjou Hoome ro tou Diving Hme rTo tYou Dirving Hmoe Tro Ytou
Ddiving Hkme Too Yoou Ddriving Hkome T Yu Drdiving Hokme To Yuo D4iving H9me Tk Yku D4riving H9ome Tko Ykou Dr4iving Ho9me Tok Yoku
Dgiving H0me T9 Y9u Dgriving H0ome T9o Y9ou Drgiving Ho0me To9 Yo9u Dtiving Hlme T0 Y0u Dtriving Hlome T0o Y0ou Drtiving Holme To0 Yo0u
D5iving Hime Tl Ylu D5riving Hiome Tlo Ylou Dr5iving Hoime Tol Yolu Dfiving Homme Ti Yiu Hoe Tio Yiou Drfiving Hoem Toi Yoiu
Deiving Hoje Youu Hojme Yo Dreiving Homje You Driiving Hoke Yoh Drving Yohu Drviing Homke Youh
Drjving Hone Yo7 Drjiving Honme Yo7u Drijving Homne You7 Dr9ving Homee Yok Dr9iving Hom Dri9ving Home Youk
Drlving Homs Yoi Drliving Homse Drilving Homes Youi Droving Hom3 Yo8 Droiving Hom3e Yo8u Drioving Home3 You8
Drkving Homf Yoj Drkiving Homfe Yoju Drikving Homef Youj Dr8ving Homr Yoy Dr8iving Homre Yoyu Dri8ving Homer Youy
Druving Hom4 Druiving Hom4e Driuving Home4

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