Kidz Bop Kids
Hey, Soul Sister

Hey, hey, hey

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moon beam, the smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided, you're the one
I have decided who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.
Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Hey, hey,hey

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one-track mind like me
You gave my life direction, a game show love connection we can't deny
I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin,
you're Madonna, and I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.
Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight

The way you can cut a rug, watching you's the only drug I need
You're so gangsta, I'm so thug, you're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see, I can be myself now finally, in fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you be with me

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.
Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight,
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Hey, hey,hey

Hey, hey,hey


Mirror lyrics:


Hey, hey,hey

Hey, hey,hey
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight,
Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.

I want the world to see you be with me
You see, I can be myself now finally, in fact there's nothing I can't be
You're so gangsta, I'm so thug, you're the only one I'm dreaming of
The way you can cut a rug, watching you's the only drug I need

Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.

you're Madonna, and I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
I believe in you, like a virgin,
I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
You gave my life direction, a game show love connection we can't deny
Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one-track mind like me

Hey, hey,hey
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight
Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.

I have decided who's one of my kind
I knew when we collided, you're the one
Your sweet moon beam, the smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew I wouldn't forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind
Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains

Hey, hey, hey

Relevant Tags:
HHey, SSoul SSister ey, oul ister eHy, oSul iSster jey, zoul zister jHey, zSoul zSister Hjey, Szoul Szister uey, woul wister
uHey, wSoul wSister Huey, Swoul Swister ney, doul dister nHey, dSoul dSister Hney, Sdoul Sdister bey, eoul eister bHey, eSoul eSister
Hbey, Seoul Seister gey, xoul xister gHey, xSoul xSister Hgey, Sxoul Sxister yey, aoul aister yHey, aSoul aSister Hyey, Saoul Saister
Heey, Sooul Siister Hy, Sul Sster Hye, Suol Ssiter Hsy, Skul Sjster Hsey, Skoul Sjister Hesy, Sokul Sijster H3y, S9ul S9ster
H3ey, S9oul S9ister He3y, So9ul Si9ster Hfy, S0ul Slster Hfey, S0oul Slister Hefy, So0ul Silster Hry, Slul Soster Hrey, Sloul Soister
Hery, Solul Sioster H4y, Siul Skster H4ey, Sioul Skister He4y, Soiul Sikster Hdy, Souul S8ster Hdey, Sol S8ister Hedy, Solu Si8ster
Hwy, Sohl Suster Hwey, Sohul Suister Hewy, Souhl Siuster Heyy, So7l Sisster He, So7ul Siter He,y Sou7l Sitser Heg, Sokl Sizter
Hegy, Sizster Heyg, Soukl Siszter Heh, Soil Siwter Hehy, Siwster Heyh, Souil Siswter He6, So8l Sidter He6y, So8ul Sidster
Hey6, Sou8l Sisdter Heu, Sojl Sieter Heuy, Sojul Siester Heyu, Soujl Siseter He7, Soyl Sixter He7y, Soyul Sixster Hey7, Souyl Sisxter
Hej, Soull Siater Hejy, Sou Siaster Heyj, Soul Sisater

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