Kids In Glass Houses
The Morning Afterlife

Give me one good reason why I should trust
Or see the good in both of us
When we came with love and left with lust
When we came with lies we've learnt to trust
Give me good reason to believe
In all I do and all I see
In all I see

We slip into something more comfortable
They like you best when you are vulnerable

Just when you thought the world was yours
When you thougth you had it all
Just when you thought you'd done enough to
Get you through the night, the night

Give me one good reason why I should trust
In all these things that turn to dust
When we beg we get down on our knees
When we're full we want to be empty
You loved the chase 'til it slowed down
You loved the hunt 'til it hit town
'Til it hit town

Slip into something invincible

Just when you thought the world was yours
When you thougth you had it all
Just when you thought you'd done enough to
Get you through the night, the night

Who do you trust when all I know
Is just at home in all the wars?
I've been somewhere, I've been somewhere
Who do you turn to when the best of everyone
You knew has turned on you?
I've been somwhere, i've been somewhere

Just when you thought the world was yours
When you thougth you had it all
Just when you thought you'd done enough to
Get you through the night, the night

Mirror lyrics:

Get you through the night, the night
Just when you thought you'd done enough to
When you thougth you had it all
Just when you thought the world was yours

I've been somwhere, i've been somewhere
You knew has turned on you?
Who do you turn to when the best of everyone
I've been somewhere, I've been somewhere
Is just at home in all the wars?
Who do you trust when all I know

Get you through the night, the night
Just when you thought you'd done enough to
When you thougth you had it all
Just when you thought the world was yours

Slip into something invincible

'Til it hit town
You loved the hunt 'til it hit town
You loved the chase 'til it slowed down
When we're full we want to be empty
When we beg we get down on our knees
In all these things that turn to dust
Give me one good reason why I should trust

Get you through the night, the night
Just when you thought you'd done enough to
When you thougth you had it all
Just when you thought the world was yours

They like you best when you are vulnerable
We slip into something more comfortable

In all I see
In all I do and all I see
Give me good reason to believe
When we came with lies we've learnt to trust
When we came with love and left with lust
Or see the good in both of us
Give me one good reason why I should trust

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMorning AAfterlife he orning fterlife hTe oMrning fAterlife fhe jorning zfterlife fThe jMorning zAfterlife Tfhe Mjorning Azfterlife
5he korning qfterlife 5The kMorning qAfterlife T5he Mkorning Aqfterlife hhe norning sfterlife hThe nMorning sAfterlife Thhe Mnorning Asfterlife
yhe Moorning wfterlife yThe Mrning wAfterlife Tyhe Mroning Awfterlife 6he Mkrning xfterlife 6The xAfterlife T6he Mokrning Axfterlife
ghe M9rning Affterlife gThe M9orning Aterlife Tghe Mo9rning Atferlife rhe M0rning Acterlife rThe M0orning Acfterlife Trhe Mo0rning Afcterlife
Mlrning Arterlife Te Mlorning Arfterlife Teh Molrning Afrterlife Tje Mirning Agterlife Tjhe Miorning Agfterlife Thje Moirning Afgterlife
Tue Morrning Atterlife Tuhe Moning Atfterlife Thue Monring Aftterlife Tne Modning Avterlife Tnhe Modrning Avfterlife Thne Mordning Afvterlife
Tbe Mo4ning Adterlife Tbhe Mo4rning Adfterlife Thbe Mor4ning Afdterlife Tge Mogning Mogrning Aferlife Thge Morgning Afetrlife
Tye Motning Afferlife Motrning Thye Mortning Aftferlife Thee Mo5ning Af5erlife Th Mo5rning Af5terlife The Mor5ning Aft5erlife
Ths Mofning Afherlife Thse Mofrning Afhterlife Thes Morfning Aftherlife Th3 Moening Afyerlife Th3e Moerning Afyterlife The3 Morening Aftyerlife
Thf Mornning Af6erlife Thfe Moring Af6terlife Thef Morinng Aft6erlife Thr Morming Afgerlife Thre Mormning Ther Mornming Aftgerlife
Th4 Morhing Afrerlife Th4e Morhning The4 Mornhing Aftrerlife Thd Morjing Afteerlife Thde Morjning Aftrlife Thed Mornjing Aftrelife
Thw Morbing Aftsrlife Thwe Morbning Aftserlife Thew Mornbing Aftesrlife Morniing Aft3rlife Mornng Aft3erlife Mornnig Afte3rlife
Mornjng Aftfrlife Mornijng Aftefrlife Morn9ng Aftrrlife Morn9ing Morni9ng Afterrlife Mornlng Aft4rlife
Mornling Aft4erlife Mornilng Afte4rlife Mornong Aftdrlife Mornoing Aftderlife Morniong Aftedrlife Mornkng Aftwrlife
Mornking Aftwerlife Mornikng Aftewrlife Morn8ng

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