Kim Mitchell
Your Face Or Mine

In and outta love like I change my clothes
In and outta love like pinocchio's nose
Never name the names in the lovers' test
I didn't know this ache was a heart in my chest

Never go back to where I've been
Into the future my past will be seen
I'm all yours if only for minute
I'm the only critic if i get to inside out

You get so close to heaven
Better step up than step down
So close to heaven
Sometimes we are what we kiss
Sometimes we love like this

Nothin' left 'cept rock 'n roll
Your place or mine
Nothin' left 'cept rock 'n roll
Your face and mine
Your face and mine

Lonesome is an art and so is love
I'm standin still and I can still be spinning out
I'm alright if only for a minute
I'm the only critic if I get to inside out

I get so close to heaven
Betther step up than step down
So close to heaven
Sometimes we are what we kiss
Sometimes we love like this

Mirror lyrics:

Sometimes we love like this
Sometimes we are what we kiss
So close to heaven
Betther step up than step down
I get so close to heaven

I'm the only critic if I get to inside out
I'm alright if only for a minute
I'm standin still and I can still be spinning out
Lonesome is an art and so is love

Your face and mine
Your face and mine
Nothin' left 'cept rock 'n roll
Your place or mine
Nothin' left 'cept rock 'n roll

Sometimes we love like this
Sometimes we are what we kiss
So close to heaven
Better step up than step down
You get so close to heaven

I'm the only critic if i get to inside out
I'm all yours if only for minute
Into the future my past will be seen
Never go back to where I've been

I didn't know this ache was a heart in my chest
Never name the names in the lovers' test
In and outta love like pinocchio's nose
In and outta love like I change my clothes

Relevant Tags:
YYour FFace OOr MMine our ace r ine oYur aFce rO iMne gour cace kr jine gYour cFace kOr jMine Ygour Fcace Okr Mjine
hour race 9r kine hYour rFace 9Or kMine Yhour Frace O9r Mkine 6our gace 0r nine 6Your gFace 0Or nMine Y6our Fgace O0r Mnine
uour tace lr Miine uYour tFace lOr Mne Yuour Ftace Olr Mnie 7our vace ir Mjne 7Your vFace iOr Y7our Fvace Oir Mijne
jour dace Orr M9ne jYour dFace O M9ine Yjour Fdace Or Mi9ne tour Faace Od Mlne tYour Fce Odr Mline Ytour Fcae Ord Milne
Yoour Fzce O4 Mone Yur Fzace O4r Moine Yuor Fazce Or4 Mione Ykur Fqce Og Mkne Ykour Fqace Ogr Yokur Faqce Org Mikne
Y9ur Fsce Ot M8ne Y9our Fsace Otr M8ine Yo9ur Fasce Ort Mi8ne Y0ur Fwce O5 Mune Y0our Fwace O5r Muine Yo0ur Fawce Or5 Miune
Ylur Fxce Of Minne Ylour Fxace Ofr Mie Yolur Faxce Orf Mien Yiur Facce Oe Mime Yiour Fae Oer Mimne Yoiur Faec Ore Minme
Youur Fafe Mihe Yor Fafce Mihne

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