Kim Mitchell
Lick Yer Finger

I'm of this earth gonna make my presence known
There's no debate where I do and I don't belong
I'm at stake in human form
When I face the wind
I lick my finger

Nobody's a hero to his own parade
Nobody's a hero to their own instant replay
What goes around will come back again
When ya face the wind
Ya better lick yer finger

Ain't gonna be wearin' no rose tattooed on second hand clothes

If yer gonna ride the wind
You better lick yer finger
If ya wanna turn the page
Uou better lick yer finger

What can happen to me
Can surely happen to you

If yer gonna live and learn
You better lick yer finger

Mirror lyrics:

You better lick yer finger
If yer gonna live and learn

Can surely happen to you
What can happen to me

Uou better lick yer finger
If ya wanna turn the page
You better lick yer finger
If yer gonna ride the wind

Ain't gonna be wearin' no rose tattooed on second hand clothes

Ya better lick yer finger
When ya face the wind
What goes around will come back again
Nobody's a hero to their own instant replay
Nobody's a hero to his own parade

I lick my finger
When I face the wind
I'm at stake in human form
There's no debate where I do and I don't belong
I'm of this earth gonna make my presence known

Relevant Tags:
LLick YYer FFinger ick er inger iLck eYr iFnger kick ger cinger kLick gYer cFinger Lkick Yger Fcinger oick her ringer
oLick hYer rFinger Loick Yher Fringer pick 6er ginger pLick 6Yer gFinger Lpick Y6er Fginger Liick uer tinger Lck uYer tFinger
Lcik Yuer Ftinger Ljck 7er vinger Ljick 7Yer vFinger Lijck Y7er Fvinger L9ck jer dinger L9ick jYer dFinger Li9ck Yjer Fdinger
Llck ter Fiinger Llick tYer Fnger Lilck Yter Fniger Lock Yeer Fjnger Yr Fjinger Liock Yre Fijnger Lkck Ysr F9nger
Yser F9inger Likck Yesr Fi9nger L8ck Y3r Flnger L8ick Y3er Flinger Li8ck Ye3r Filnger Luck Yfr Fonger Luick Yfer Foinger
Liuck Yefr Fionger Licck Yrr Fknger Lik Yrer Fkinger Likc Yerr Fiknger Lifk Y4r F8nger Lifck Y4er F8inger Licfk Ye4r Fi8nger
Lixk Ydr Funger Lixck Yder Fuinger Licxk Yedr Fiunger Livk Ywr Finnger Livck Ywer Figer Licvk Yewr Figner Lidk Fimger
Lidck Ye Fimnger Licdk Yer Finmger Lickk Yed Fihger Lic Fihnger Lick Yerd Finhger Licl Ye4 Fijger Liclk
Lickl Yer4 Finjger Lico Yeg Fibger Licok Yegr Fibnger Licko Yerg Finbger

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