Kim Hill
Only One You

Verse 1

I see you walking around like
You've lost your way
When I ask you how you feel
You don't wanna say
Don't you know I love you
Don't you know how it hurts
To see you with your head so low
Like you don't know
What you're worth


There's only one sun
There's only one sky
There's only one Source
Of strength for my life
In all of the world
I know this is true
There's millions of souls
But only one you

Verse 2

When you look in the mirror
What is it you see
Wish you could see how beautiful
You are to me
Cause there's a treasure
Deep inside your soul
It's something no one else can give
Don't be afraid
To let it show

Chorus 2X

There is only one
There is only you
Only one you
There is only one
Only one you


Mirror lyrics:


Only one you
There is only one
Only one you
There is only you
There is only one

Chorus 2X

To let it show
Don't be afraid
It's something no one else can give
Deep inside your soul
Cause there's a treasure
You are to me
Wish you could see how beautiful
What is it you see
When you look in the mirror

Verse 2

But only one you
There's millions of souls
I know this is true
In all of the world
Of strength for my life
There's only one Source
There's only one sky
There's only one sun


What you're worth
Like you don't know
To see you with your head so low
Don't you know how it hurts
Don't you know I love you
You don't wanna say
When I ask you how you feel
You've lost your way
I see you walking around like

Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
OOnly OOne YYou nly ne ou nOly nOe oYu knly kne gou kOnly kOne gYou Oknly Okne Ygou 9nly 9ne hou 9Only 9One hYou O9nly O9ne Yhou
0nly 0ne 6ou 0Only 0One 6You O0nly O0ne Y6ou lnly lne uou lOnly lOne uYou Olnly Olne Yuou inly ine 7ou iOnly iOne 7You Oinly Oine Y7ou
Onnly Onne jou Oly Oe jYou Olny Oen Yjou Omly Ome tou Omnly Omne tYou Onmly Onme Ytou Ohly Ohe Yoou Ohnly Ohne Yu Onhly Onhe Yuo
Ojly Oje Yku Ojnly Ojne Ykou Onjly Onje Yoku Obly Obe Y9u Obnly Obne Y9ou Onbly Onbe Yo9u Onlly Onee Y0u Ony On Y0ou

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