Kim Carnes
I'm Walking On Sunshine

I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby I'm sure
And I just can't wait ‘til the day when you knock on my door
Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
‘Cause I just can't wait ‘till you write me you're coming around

I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
And its time to feel good

Hey, alright now
And its time to feel good

I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it's true
*But I just can't spend my whole life, just a-waiting for you
*I don't want you back for the weekend
Not back for a day,
*'Cause baby I just want you back and I want you to stay

I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
And its time to feel good

Hey, alright now
And its time to feel good
And its time to feel good

*I'm Walking on sunshine
*I'm Walking on sunshine
*(Du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*I'm walking on sunshine
I feel alive, I feel the love, *(du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
I feel alive, I feel the love,* (deleted)

I'm walking on sunshine whoa!
I'm walking on sunshine whoa!

I'm walking on sunshine *whoa-whoa
*and its time to feel good!
*And its time to feel good

*And don't it feel good

*I'm walking on sunshine..(du-op, du-op, du-op du-op)
*I'm walking on sunshine (walking on sunshine)
*I'm walking on sunshine (du-op, du-op, du-op)
*I'm walking on sunshine (walking on sunshine)
*I'm walking on sunshine..*Yeh yeh, yeh yeh, yeh yeh
*(du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*walking on sunshine...yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh
*walking on sunshine (du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*walking on sunshine (du-op, du-op, du-op,du-op)
(du-op du-op du-op du-op,
du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)

Mirror lyrics:

du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
(du-op du-op du-op du-op,
*walking on sunshine (du-op, du-op, du-op,du-op)
*walking on sunshine (du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*walking on sunshine...yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh
*(du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*I'm walking on sunshine..*Yeh yeh, yeh yeh, yeh yeh
*I'm walking on sunshine (walking on sunshine)
*I'm walking on sunshine (du-op, du-op, du-op)
*I'm walking on sunshine (walking on sunshine)
*I'm walking on sunshine..(du-op, du-op, du-op du-op)

*And don't it feel good

*And its time to feel good
*and its time to feel good!
I'm walking on sunshine *whoa-whoa

I'm walking on sunshine whoa!
I'm walking on sunshine whoa!

I feel alive, I feel the love,* (deleted)
I feel alive, I feel the love, *(du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*I'm walking on sunshine
*(Du-op, du-op, du-op, du-op)
*I'm Walking on sunshine
*I'm Walking on sunshine

And its time to feel good
And its time to feel good
Hey, alright now

And its time to feel good
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa

*'Cause baby I just want you back and I want you to stay
Not back for a day,
*I don't want you back for the weekend
*But I just can't spend my whole life, just a-waiting for you
I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it's true

And its time to feel good
Hey, alright now

And its time to feel good
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa
I'm walking on sunshine whoa

‘Cause I just can't wait ‘till you write me you're coming around
Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
And I just can't wait ‘til the day when you knock on my door
I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby I'm sure

Relevant Tags:
II'm WWalking OOn SSunshine 'm alking n unshine 'Im aWlking nO uSnshine j'm aalking kn zunshine jI'm aWalking kOn zSunshine Ij'm Waalking Okn Szunshine
9'm 3alking 9n wunshine 9I'm 3Walking 9On wSunshine I9'm W3alking O9n Swunshine l'm dalking 0n dunshine lI'm dWalking 0On dSunshine Il'm Wdalking O0n Sdunshine
o'm ealking ln eunshine oI'm eWalking lOn eSunshine Io'm Wealking Oln Seunshine k'm salking in xunshine kI'm sWalking iOn xSunshine Ik'm Wsalking Oin Sxunshine
8'm 2alking Onn aunshine 8I'm 2Walking O aSunshine I8'm W2alking On Saunshine u'm qalking Om Suunshine uI'm qWalking Omn Snshine Iu'm Wqalking Onm Snushine
I''m Oh Shnshine Im Wlking Ohn Shunshine Im' Wlaking Onh Suhnshine I'mm Wzlking Oj S7nshine I' Wzalking Ojn S7unshine I'm Wazlking Onj Su7nshine
I'j Wqlking Ob Sknshine I'jm Obn Skunshine I'mj Waqlking Onb Suknshine I'k Wslking Sinshine I'km Siunshine I'mk Waslking Suinshine
I'n Wwlking S8nshine I'nm Wwalking S8unshine I'mn Wawlking Su8nshine Wxlking Sjnshine Wxalking Sjunshine Waxlking Sujnshine
Wallking Synshine Waking Syunshine Wakling Suynshine Wakking Sunnshine Waklking Sushine Walkking Susnhine
Waoking Sumshine Waolking Sumnshine Waloking Sunmshine Wapking Suhshine Waplking Walpking Sunhshine
Sujshine Waling Walikng Sunjshine Walling Subshine Subnshine Walkling Sunbshine
Waloing Sunsshine Sunhine Walkoing Sunhsine Walming Sunzhine Walmking Sunzshine Walkming Sunszhine
Waljing Sunwhine Waljking Sunwshine Walkjing Sunswhine Waliing Sundhine Waliking Sundshine Walkiing Sunsdhine
Sunehine Walkng Suneshine Walknig Sunsehine Walkjng Sunxhine Sunxshine Walkijng Sunsxhine
Walk9ng Sunahine Walk9ing Sunashine

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