Kim Carnes
A Kick In The Heart

The kiss is all, words mean nothing
Why don't we throw them away
Take my keys, love is waiting
Idling in the driveway
Today everybody is thinking about happiness
As easy to read as a cloud
But down here on earth I need just that one kiss
As easy to shape as I sound

When you love me - it's a kick in the heart
When you kiss me - it's a kick in the heart
When you touch me you take me apart & apart & apart
When you kiss me - it's a kick in the heart

Close your eyes, here comes tomorrow
Do you still feel the same
Tell me just one thing I can be sure of
Tell me the rules of this game
Today everybody is thinking about happiness
Easy to reach as a cloud
But down here on earth I need just that one kiss
Easy to shape as a sound

When you love me - it's a kick in the heart
When you touch me you take me apart & apart & apart
When you kiss me - it's a kick in the heart

Take my keys love is waiting
Revved up in the driveway
The kiss is all, words mean nothing
Why don't we throw them away

Mirror lyrics:

Why don't we throw them away
The kiss is all, words mean nothing
Revved up in the driveway
Take my keys love is waiting

When you kiss me - it's a kick in the heart
When you touch me you take me apart & apart & apart
When you love me - it's a kick in the heart

Easy to shape as a sound
But down here on earth I need just that one kiss
Easy to reach as a cloud
Today everybody is thinking about happiness
Tell me the rules of this game
Tell me just one thing I can be sure of
Do you still feel the same
Close your eyes, here comes tomorrow

When you kiss me - it's a kick in the heart
When you touch me you take me apart & apart & apart
When you kiss me - it's a kick in the heart
When you love me - it's a kick in the heart

As easy to shape as I sound
But down here on earth I need just that one kiss
As easy to read as a cloud
Today everybody is thinking about happiness
Idling in the driveway
Take my keys, love is waiting
Why don't we throw them away
The kiss is all, words mean nothing

Relevant Tags:
AA KKick IIn TThe HHeart ick n he eart A iKck nI hTe eHart z lick jn fhe jeart zA lKick jIn fThe jHeart Az Klick Ijn Tfhe Hjeart
q oick 9n 5he ueart qA oKick 9In 5The uHeart Aq Koick I9n T5he Hueart s mick ln hhe neart sA mKick lIn hThe nHeart As Kmick Iln Thhe Hneart
w jick on yhe beart wA jKick oIn yThe bHeart Aw Kjick Ion Tyhe Hbeart x iick kn 6he geart xA iKick kIn 6The gHeart Ax Kiick Ikn T6he Hgeart
8n ghe yeart Kck 8In gThe yHeart Kcik I8n Tghe Hyeart Kjck un rhe Heeart uIn rThe Hart Kijck Iun Trhe Haert
K9ck Inn Hsart K9ick I Te Hseart Ki9ck In Teh Hesart Klck Im Tje H3art Imn Tjhe H3eart Kilck Inm Thje He3art
Kock Ih Tue Hfart Ihn Tuhe Hfeart Kiock Inh Thue Hefart Kkck Ij Tne Hrart Kkick Tnhe Hreart Kikck Inj Thne Herart
K8ck Ib Tbe H4art K8ick Ibn Tbhe H4eart Ki8ck Inb Thbe He4art Kuck Tge Hdart Kuick Hdeart Kiuck Thge Hedart
Kicck Tye Hwart Kik Hweart Kikc Thye Hewart Kifk Thee Heaart Kifck Th Hert Kicfk The Herat
Kixk Ths Hezrt Kixck Thse Hezart Kicxk Thes Heazrt Kivk Th3 Heqrt

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