Kim Richey
Why Can't I Say Goodnight

(Kim Richey - Angelo Petraglia)

It's almost sunrise hours and hours gone by
Candles all burned down turned into morning light
The time to go has come and gone
Why can't I, why can't I say goodnight?

The whole world is sleeping and still I can't give in
It's a love story I never want to end
The time to go has come and gone
Why can't I, why can't I say goodnight?

I'm using up all my strength can't tear myself away
It only gets harder as night turns to day.

There isn't one place honey that I'd rather be
Than right here in your arms with your head lying on me
The time to go has come and gone
Why can't I, why can't I say goodnight?

Darlin', why can't I say goodnight?...

Mirror lyrics:

Darlin', why can't I say goodnight?...

Why can't I, why can't I say goodnight?
The time to go has come and gone
Than right here in your arms with your head lying on me
There isn't one place honey that I'd rather be

It only gets harder as night turns to day.
I'm using up all my strength can't tear myself away

Why can't I, why can't I say goodnight?
The time to go has come and gone
It's a love story I never want to end
The whole world is sleeping and still I can't give in

Why can't I, why can't I say goodnight?
The time to go has come and gone
Candles all burned down turned into morning light
It's almost sunrise hours and hours gone by

(Kim Richey - Angelo Petraglia)

Relevant Tags:
WWhy CCan't II SSay GGoodnight hy an't ay oodnight hWy aCn't I aSy oGodnight ahy fan't j zay hoodnight aWhy fCan't jI zSay hGoodnight
Wahy Cfan't Ij Szay Ghoodnight 3hy xan't 9 way yoodnight 3Why xCan't 9I wSay yGoodnight W3hy Cxan't I9 Sway Gyoodnight dhy van't l day boodnight
dWhy vCan't lI dSay bGoodnight Wdhy Cvan't Il Sday Gboodnight ehy dan't o eay voodnight eWhy dCan't oI eSay vGoodnight Wehy Cdan't Io Seay Gvoodnight
shy Caan't k xay foodnight sWhy Cn't kI xSay fGoodnight Wshy Cna't Ik Sxay Gfoodnight 2hy Czn't 8 aay toodnight 2Why Czan't 8I aSay tGoodnight
W2hy Cazn't I8 Saay Gtoodnight qhy Cqn't u Gooodnight qWhy Cqan't uI Sy Godnight Wqhy Caqn't Iu Sya Goodnight Whhy Csn't Szy Gkodnight
Wy Csan't Gkoodnight Wyh Casn't Sazy Gokodnight Wjy Cwn't Sqy G9odnight Wjhy Cwan't Sqay G9oodnight Whjy Cawn't Saqy Go9odnight
Wuy Cxn't Ssy G0odnight Wuhy Ssay G0oodnight Whuy Caxn't Sasy Go0odnight Wny Cann't Swy Glodnight Wnhy Ca't Gloodnight
Whny Ca'nt Sawy Golodnight Wby Cam't Sxy Giodnight Wbhy Camn't Gioodnight Whby Canm't Saxy Goiodnight Wgy Cah't Sayy
Wghy Cahn't Sa Whgy Canh't Say Godonight Wyy Caj't Sag Gokdnight Wyhy Cajn't Sagy Whyy Canj't Sayg Gookdnight
Cab't Sah Go9dnight Wh Cabn't Sahy Why Canb't Sayh Goo9dnight Whg Can''t Sa6 Go0dnight Cant Sa6y
Whyg Cant' Say6 Goo0dnight Whh Can'tt Sau Goldnight Can' Sauy Whyh Can't Sayu Gooldnight Wh6 Can'f Sa7 Goidnight
Wh6y Can'ft Sa7y Why6 Can'tf Say7 Gooidnight Whu Can'5 Saj Gooddnight Can'5t Sajy Goonight Whyu Can't5 Sayj Goondight
Wh7 Can'h Sat Gooxnight Wh7y Can'ht Saty Gooxdnight Why7 Can'th Sayt Goodxnight Whj Can'y Gooenight Can'yt Gooednight
Whyj Can'ty Goodenight Wht Can'6 Goofnight Whty Can'6t Goofdnight Whyt Can't6 Goodfnight Can'g Goornight
Can'gt Goordnight Can'tg Goodrnight Can'r Goocnight Can'rt Goocdnight Can'tr Goodcnight
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