Jim Ed Brown And The Browns
When I Stop Dreaming

(Charlie Louvin - Ira Louvin)

When I stop dreaming
That's when I'll stop loving you.

The worst that I've ever been hurt in my life
The first time I ever have wanted to cry
Was the night when you told me you loved someone else
And you asked me if I could forget.

When I stop dreaming
That's when I'll stop loving you.

--- Instrumental ---

You may teach a flowers to bloom in the snow
You may take a pebble and teach it to grow
You may teach all the raindrops to return to the clouds
But you can't teach my heart to forget.

When I stop dreaming
That's when I'll stop loving you...

Mirror lyrics:

That's when I'll stop loving you...
When I stop dreaming

But you can't teach my heart to forget.
You may teach all the raindrops to return to the clouds
You may take a pebble and teach it to grow
You may teach a flowers to bloom in the snow

--- Instrumental ---

That's when I'll stop loving you.
When I stop dreaming

And you asked me if I could forget.
Was the night when you told me you loved someone else
The first time I ever have wanted to cry
The worst that I've ever been hurt in my life

That's when I'll stop loving you.
When I stop dreaming

(Charlie Louvin - Ira Louvin)

Relevant Tags:
WWhen II SStop DDreaming hen top reaming hWen I tSop rDeaming ahen j ztop xreaming aWhen jI zStop xDreaming Wahen Ij Sztop Dxreaming
3hen 9 wtop ereaming 3When 9I wStop eDreaming W3hen I9 Swtop Dereaming dhen l dtop freaming dWhen lI dStop fDreaming Wdhen Il Sdtop Dfreaming
ehen o etop rreaming eWhen oI eStop rDreaming Wehen Io Setop Drreaming shen k xtop creaming sWhen kI xStop cDreaming Wshen Ik Sxtop Dcreaming
2hen 8 atop sreaming 2When 8I aStop sDreaming W2hen I8 Satop Dsreaming qhen u Sttop qWhen uI Sop Deaming Wqhen Iu Sotp Deraming
Whhen Sfop Ddeaming Wen Sftop Ddreaming Wehn Stfop Drdeaming Wjen S5op D4eaming Wjhen S5top D4reaming Whjen St5op Dr4eaming
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Wyen Srop Deeaming Wyhen Srtop Whyen Strop Dreeaming Wheen Stoop Whn Stp Draming Whne Stpo Draeming
Whsn Stkp Drsaming Whsen Stkop Drseaming Whesn Stokp Dresaming Wh3n St9p Dr3aming Wh3en St9op Dr3eaming Whe3n Sto9p Dre3aming
Whfn St0p Drfaming Whfen St0op Whefn Sto0p Drefaming Whrn Stlp Drraming Whren Stlop Whern Stolp Dreraming
Wh4n Stip Dr4aming Wh4en Stiop Whe4n Stoip Dre4aming Whdn Stopp Drdaming Whden Sto Whedn Stop Dredaming
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