Jim Ed Brown And The Browns
Waltz Of The Angels

The waltz of the angels
I hear each night,
I hold you tightly
In these arms of mine.

It's surely from Heaven
This music I hear
When you say I love you
In waltz time my dear.

There must be a power
Much higher then I,
A writer of love songs
Way up in the sky.

The maker of rose's
Of love sweet and true,
And the waltz of the angels
The moonlight and you.

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, hurry my darling
To my waiting arms
I'll love you for ever
And keep you from harm.

We know love is endless
Our hearts have been kissed
By the waltz of the angels
And far beyond this.

There must be a power
Much higher then I,
A writer of love songs
Way up in the sky.

The maker of rose's
Of love sweet and true,
And the waltz of the angels
He wrote just for you...

Mirror lyrics:

He wrote just for you...
And the waltz of the angels
Of love sweet and true,
The maker of rose's

Way up in the sky.
A writer of love songs
Much higher then I,
There must be a power

And far beyond this.
By the waltz of the angels
Our hearts have been kissed
We know love is endless

And keep you from harm.
I'll love you for ever
To my waiting arms
Oh, hurry my darling

--- Instrumental ---

The moonlight and you.
And the waltz of the angels
Of love sweet and true,
The maker of rose's

Way up in the sky.
A writer of love songs
Much higher then I,
There must be a power

In waltz time my dear.
When you say I love you
This music I hear
It's surely from Heaven

In these arms of mine.
I hold you tightly
I hear each night,
The waltz of the angels

Relevant Tags:
WWaltz OOf TThe AAngels altz f he ngels aWltz fO hTe nAgels aaltz kf fhe zngels aWaltz kOf fThe zAngels Waaltz Okf Tfhe Azngels
3altz 9f 5he qngels 3Waltz 9Of 5The qAngels W3altz O9f T5he Aqngels daltz 0f hhe sngels dWaltz 0Of hThe sAngels Wdaltz O0f Thhe Asngels
ealtz lf yhe wngels eWaltz lOf yThe wAngels Wealtz Olf Tyhe Awngels saltz if 6he xngels sWaltz iOf 6The xAngels Wsaltz Oif T6he Axngels
2altz Off ghe Anngels 2Waltz O gThe Agels W2altz Of Tghe Agnels qaltz Oc rhe Amgels qWaltz Ocf rThe Amngels Wqaltz Ofc Trhe Anmgels
Or Ahgels Wltz Orf Te Ahngels Wlatz Ofr Teh Anhgels Wzltz Og Tje Ajgels Wzaltz Ogf Tjhe Ajngels Wazltz Ofg Thje Anjgels
Wqltz Ot Tue Abgels Otf Tuhe Abngels Waqltz Oft Thue Anbgels Wsltz Ov Tne Anggels Ovf Tnhe Anels Wasltz Ofv Thne Anegls
Wwltz Od Tbe Anhels Wwaltz Odf Tbhe Wawltz Ofd Thbe Anghels Wxltz Tge Anyels Wxaltz Anygels Waxltz Thge Angyels
Walltz Tye Anbels Watz Watlz Thye Angbels Waktz Thee Anvels Wakltz Th Anvgels Walktz The Angvels
Waotz Ths Anfels Waoltz Thse Anfgels Walotz Thes Angfels Waptz Th3 Antels Wapltz Th3e Antgels Walptz The3 Angtels

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