Jim Ed Brown And The Browns
The Night Watch

Bright stars are watching the world as it sleeps
Shepherds watch over the little white sheep
The lighthouse is shining for ships far at sea
As God keeps the night watch for you and for me.

So sleep, sleep in peace and rest
Don't be afraid of the darkness
All's well for over the land and the sea
God's keeping the night watch for you and for me.

--- Instrumental ---

So sleep, sleep in peace and rest
Don't be afraid of the darkness
All's well for over the land and the sea
God's keeping the night watch for you and for me...

Mirror lyrics:

God's keeping the night watch for you and for me...
All's well for over the land and the sea
Don't be afraid of the darkness
So sleep, sleep in peace and rest

--- Instrumental ---

God's keeping the night watch for you and for me.
All's well for over the land and the sea
Don't be afraid of the darkness
So sleep, sleep in peace and rest

As God keeps the night watch for you and for me.
The lighthouse is shining for ships far at sea
Shepherds watch over the little white sheep
Bright stars are watching the world as it sleeps

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNight WWatch he ight atch hTe iNght aWtch fhe might aatch fThe mNight aWatch Tfhe Nmight Waatch 5he hight 3atch
5The hNight 3Watch T5he Nhight W3atch hhe jight datch hThe jNight dWatch Thhe Njight Wdatch yhe bight eatch yThe bNight eWatch
Tyhe Nbight Weatch 6he Niight satch 6The Nght sWatch T6he Ngiht Wsatch ghe Njght 2atch gThe 2Watch Tghe Nijght W2atch
rhe N9ght qatch rThe N9ight qWatch Trhe Ni9ght Wqatch Nlght Te Nlight Wtch Teh Nilght Wtach Tje Noght Wztch
Tjhe Noight Wzatch Thje Nioght Waztch Tue Nkght Wqtch Tuhe Nkight Thue Nikght Waqtch Tne N8ght Wstch Tnhe N8ight
Thne Ni8ght Wastch Tbe Nught Wwtch Tbhe Nuight Wwatch Thbe Niught Wawtch Tge Nigght Wxtch Niht Wxatch Thge Nihgt Waxtch
Tye Nihht Wattch Nihght Wach Thye Nighht Wacth Thee Niyht Wafch Th Niyght Waftch The Nigyht Watfch Ths Nibht Wa5ch

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