Kina Grannis
Some Days

Some days, I'm only moved by the wind
I look around, but nothing stirs me within
And I wonder, am I the only one to see
This quiet time as such a comfortable thing

Some days, I'm only fueled by my mistakes
I turn around and slyly try to hide my face
I feel as though
I have to think everything through
I don't know how I am to act or how to move

When it's over, I feel as though it were a dream
And I wake up
Again, I'm new to everything

Some days, there's not a way to bring me down
I'm floating up in the clouds to get around
I think back to other times and wonder how
It was possible to not have felt as I do now


Every day's another way to feel
It's your own decision what is real
So try them out, all the different ways to play the game
And work it out, try not to want to be the same


Mirror lyrics:


And work it out, try not to want to be the same
So try them out, all the different ways to play the game
It's your own decision what is real
Every day's another way to feel


It was possible to not have felt as I do now
I think back to other times and wonder how
I'm floating up in the clouds to get around
Some days, there's not a way to bring me down

Again, I'm new to everything
And I wake up
When it's over, I feel as though it were a dream

I don't know how I am to act or how to move
I have to think everything through
I feel as though
I turn around and slyly try to hide my face
Some days, I'm only fueled by my mistakes

This quiet time as such a comfortable thing
And I wonder, am I the only one to see
I look around, but nothing stirs me within
Some days, I'm only moved by the wind

Relevant Tags:
SSome DDays ome ays oSme aDys zome xays zSome xDays Szome Dxays wome eays wSome eDays Swome Deays dome fays dSome fDays
Sdome Dfays eome rays eSome rDays Seome Drays xome cays xSome cDays Sxome Dcays aome says aSome sDays Saome Dsays Soome Daays
Sme Dys Smoe Dyas Skme Dzys Skome Dzays Sokme Dazys S9me Dqys S9ome Dqays So9me Daqys S0me Dsys S0ome So0me Dasys
Slme Dwys Slome Dways Solme Dawys Sime Dxys Siome Soime Daxys Somme Dayys Soe Das

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