Kim Wilde
Love (send Him Back To Me)

You placed your bet while you were laughing in my face
And you let another woman take my place
No you wouldn't listen, wouldn't hear
I tried to change your mind
I never knew love was so conceited, so unkind

I was always one step ahead of you
Deep in my heart I always knew
Now admit it, you're gonna lose this fight
I'm not waiting any longer
Get him back to me tonight

Love send him back to me
Now that you've set him free
You better admit defeat
Love send him back to me

You broke her heart while you gambled with their souls
Now she's just another sad adventure you'll forget
But he didn't love her
Still you tried to satisfy your goal
I never knew love was so deceiving, so cold

I was always one step ahead of you
Deep in my heart I always knew
Now admit it, you're gonna lose this fight
I'm not waiting any longer
Get him back to me tonight

Mirror lyrics:

Get him back to me tonight
I'm not waiting any longer
Now admit it, you're gonna lose this fight
Deep in my heart I always knew
I was always one step ahead of you

I never knew love was so deceiving, so cold
Still you tried to satisfy your goal
But he didn't love her
Now she's just another sad adventure you'll forget
You broke her heart while you gambled with their souls

Love send him back to me
You better admit defeat
Now that you've set him free
Love send him back to me

Get him back to me tonight
I'm not waiting any longer
Now admit it, you're gonna lose this fight
Deep in my heart I always knew
I was always one step ahead of you

I never knew love was so conceited, so unkind
I tried to change your mind
No you wouldn't listen, wouldn't hear
And you let another woman take my place
You placed your bet while you were laughing in my face

Relevant Tags:
LLove ((send HHim BBack TTo MMe) ove send im ack o e) oLve s(end iHm aBck oT eM) kove (ssend jim vack fo je) kLove (end jHim vBack fTo jMe)
Lkove (esnd Hjim Bvack Tfo Mje) oove (zend uim gack 5o ke) oLove (zsend uHim gBack 5To kMe) Loove (szend Huim Bgack T5o Mke) pove (wend nim nack ho ne)
pLove (wsend nHim nBack hTo nMe) Lpove (swend Hnim Bnack Tho Mne) (dend bim hack yo Mee) Lve (dsend bHim hBack yTo M) Lvoe (sdend Hbim Bhack Tyo M)e
Lkve (eend gim Baack 6o Ms) (esend gHim Bck 6To Mse) Lokve (seend Hgim Bcak T6o Mes) L9ve (xend yim Bzck go M3) L9ove (xsend yHim Bzack gTo M3e)
Lo9ve (sxend Hyim Bazck Tgo Me3) L0ve (aend Hiim Bqck ro Mf) L0ove (asend Hm Bqack rTo Mfe) Lo0ve (saend Hmi Baqck Tro Mef) Llve Hjm Bsck Too Mr)
Llove (snd Bsack T Mre) Lolve (sned Hijm Basck To Mer) Live (ssnd H9m Bwck Tk M4) Liove H9im Bwack Tko M4e) Loive (sesnd Hi9m Bawck Tok Me4)
Lovve (s3nd Hlm Bxck T9 Md) Loe (s3end Hlim Bxack T9o Mde) Loev (se3nd Hilm Baxck To9 Med) Lobe (sfnd Hom Bacck T0 Mw) Lobve (sfend Hoim Bak T0o Mwe)
Lovbe (sefnd Hiom Bakc To0 Mew) Loce (srnd Hkm Bafk Tl Me)) Locve (srend Hkim Bafck Tlo Me Lovce (sernd Hikm Bacfk Tol Me) Loge (s4nd H8m Baxk Ti

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