Kim Wilde
Love In The Natural Way

Well it sounded like a whisper
But soon became a cry
And the moment that I touch you
I know the reason why - we got love
No union is stronger than a woman with a man
I'm gonna give love in the natural way
With everything I can
Never mind if things go wrong
You and I will still be strong
And how I love you now

Oh baby, we're here tonight
We can make it last forever
Wen can make it last for life
Oh, baby, no matter what
I'm gonna give love in the natural way
With everything I got

All times it can be gentle
And at times it can be cruel
It can treat you like a stranger
It can treat you like a fool
But tonight I wanna hold you
Cos tonight you're gonna see
I'm gonna give you love in the natural way
And keep you here with me
Lovin' like you've never known
Now at last We're on our own
And I still love you now

Oh, baby, we're here tonight
We can make it last forever
We can make it last for life
Oh, babe, it's me and you
And it's a natural reaction
When you feel the way we do
What is left that's still unknown
Let's discover on our own

Cos when love's the culmination
Of everything you feel
Well it's the only thing that's precious
It's the only thing that's real

Mirror lyrics:

It's the only thing that's real
Well it's the only thing that's precious
Of everything you feel
Cos when love's the culmination

Let's discover on our own
What is left that's still unknown
When you feel the way we do
And it's a natural reaction
Oh, babe, it's me and you
We can make it last for life
We can make it last forever
Oh, baby, we're here tonight

And I still love you now
Now at last We're on our own
Lovin' like you've never known
And keep you here with me
I'm gonna give you love in the natural way
Cos tonight you're gonna see
But tonight I wanna hold you
It can treat you like a fool
It can treat you like a stranger
And at times it can be cruel
All times it can be gentle

With everything I got
I'm gonna give love in the natural way
Oh, baby, no matter what
Wen can make it last for life
We can make it last forever
Oh baby, we're here tonight

And how I love you now
You and I will still be strong
Never mind if things go wrong
With everything I can
I'm gonna give love in the natural way
No union is stronger than a woman with a man
I know the reason why - we got love
And the moment that I touch you
But soon became a cry
Well it sounded like a whisper

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIn TThe NNatural WWay ove n he atural ay oLve nI hTe aNtural aWy kove jn fhe matural aay kLove jIn fThe mNatural aWay Lkove Ijn Tfhe Nmatural Waay
oove 9n 5he hatural 3ay oLove 9In 5The hNatural 3Way Loove I9n T5he Nhatural W3ay pove ln hhe jatural day pLove lIn hThe jNatural dWay Lpove Iln Thhe Njatural Wday
on yhe batural eay Lve oIn yThe bNatural eWay Lvoe Ion Tyhe Nbatural Weay Lkve kn 6he Naatural say kIn 6The Ntural sWay Lokve Ikn T6he Ntaural Wsay
L9ve 8n ghe Nztural 2ay L9ove 8In gThe Nzatural 2Way Lo9ve I8n Tghe Naztural W2ay L0ve un rhe Nqtural qay L0ove uIn rThe Nqatural qWay Lo0ve Iun Trhe Naqtural Wqay
Llve Inn Nstural Llove I Te Nsatural Wy Lolve In Teh Nastural Wya Live Im Tje Nwtural Wzy Liove Imn Tjhe Nwatural Wzay Loive Inm Thje Nawtural Wazy
Lovve Ih Tue Nxtural Wqy Loe Ihn Tuhe Nxatural Loev Inh Thue Naxtural Waqy Lobe Ij Tne Nattural Wsy Lobve Tnhe Naural Lovbe Inj Thne Nautral Wasy
Loce Ib Tbe Nafural Wwy Locve Ibn Tbhe Naftural Wway Lovce Inb Thbe Natfural Wawy Loge Tge Na5ural Wxy Logve Na5tural Wxay Lovge Thge Nat5ural Waxy
Lofe Tye Nahural Wayy Lofve Nahtural Wa Lovfe Thye Nathural Way Lovee Thee Nayural Wag Lov Th Naytural Wagy Love The Natyural Wayg
Lovs Ths Na6ural Wah Lovse Thse Na6tural Wahy Loves Thes Nat6ural Wayh Lov3 Th3 Nagural Wa6 Lov3e Th3e Nagtural Wa6y Love3 The3 Natgural Way6
Lovf Thf Narural Wau Thfe Nartural Wauy Lovef Thef Natrural Wayu Lovr Thr Natuural Wa7 Lovre Thre Natral Wa7y Lover Ther Natrual Way7
Lov4 Th4 Nathral Waj Lov4e Th4e Wajy Love4 The4 Natuhral Wayj Lovd Thd Nat7ral Wat Lovde Thde Nat7ural Waty Loved Thed Natu7ral Wayt
Lovw Thw Natkral

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