Kind Of Like Spitting
Do You Need Him Here To Say (elsa)

You've got a smile that knows how,
and the ones you always know are falling around now.
If you need him here to say to tell you everything's
OK then nothings going to be alright,
if you need him here that way.
And if I could just interject,
it might not make much sense,
you've got a smile an embarrassed frownand I give it
at my best. If you need him here to say that everything's
ok than I'm just not sure that everything's ok and
you wanna know what went down just read it in the papers.
straighten up shoulders up.

Mirror lyrics:

straighten up shoulders up.
you wanna know what went down just read it in the papers.
ok than I'm just not sure that everything's ok and
at my best. If you need him here to say that everything's
you've got a smile an embarrassed frownand I give it
it might not make much sense,
And if I could just interject,
if you need him here that way.
OK then nothings going to be alright,
If you need him here to say to tell you everything's
and the ones you always know are falling around now.
You've got a smile that knows how,

Relevant Tags:
DDo YYou NNeed HHim HHere TTo SSay ((elsa) o ou eed im ere o ay elsa) oD oYu eNed iHm eHre oT aSy e(lsa) xo gou meed jim jere fo zay (eelsa) xDo gYou mNeed jHim jHere fTo zSay (lsa)
Dxo Ygou Nmeed Hjim Hjere Tfo Szay (lesa) eo hou heed uim uere 5o way (slsa) eDo hYou hNeed uHim uHere 5To wSay (selsa) Deo Yhou Nheed Huim Huere T5o Sway (eslsa) fo 6ou jeed nim nere ho day (3lsa)
fDo 6You jNeed nHim nHere hTo dSay (3elsa) Dfo Y6ou Njeed Hnim Hnere Tho Sday (e3lsa) ro uou beed bim bere yo eay (flsa) rDo uYou bNeed bHim bHere yTo eSay (felsa) Dro Yuou Nbeed Hbim Hbere Tyo Seay (eflsa)
co 7ou Neeed gim gere 6o xay (rlsa) cDo 7You Ned gHim gHere 6To xSay (relsa) Dco Y7ou Need Hgim Hgere T6o Sxay (erlsa) so jou Nsed yim yere go aay (4lsa) sDo jYou Nseed yHim yHere gTo aSay (4elsa)
Dso Yjou Nesed Hyim Hyere Tgo Saay (e4lsa) Doo tou N3ed Hiim Heere ro (dlsa) D tYou N3eed Hm Hre rTo Sy (delsa) Do Ytou Ne3ed Hmi Hree Tro Sya (edlsa) Dk Yoou Nfed Hjm Hsre Too Szy (wlsa)
Dko Yu Nfeed Hsere T (welsa) Dok Yuo Nefed Hijm Hesre To Sazy (ewlsa) D9 Yku Nred H9m H3re Tk Sqy (ellsa) D9o Ykou Nreed H9im H3ere Tko Sqay (esa) Do9 Yoku Nered Hi9m He3re Tok Saqy (esla)
D0 Y9u N4ed Hlm Hfre T9 Ssy (eksa) D0o Y9ou N4eed Hlim Hfere T9o Ssay (eklsa) Do0 Yo9u Ne4ed Hilm Hefre To9 Sasy (elksa) Dl Y0u Nded Hom Hrre T0 Swy (eosa) Dlo Y0ou Ndeed Hoim Hrere T0o (eolsa)
Dol Yo0u Neded Hiom Herre To0 Sawy (elosa) Di Ylu Nwed Hkm H4re Tl Sxy (epsa) Dio Ylou Nweed Hkim H4ere Tlo (eplsa) Doi Yolu Newed Hikm He4re Tol Saxy (elpsa) Yiu H8m Hdre Ti Sayy (elssa)
Yiou H8im Hdere Tio Sa (ela) Yoiu Nede Hi8m Hedre Toi Say (elas)

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