King's X

you caught my eye, couldn't take them off of you
and i knew that you felt the same way too

finished before it started
one look then we parted

i couldn't speak, i felt one with you
i was afraid, what else could i do

love is patient and kind
bears and believes all things
some say its blind
but i can't see a thing

finished before it started
one look then we parted

Mirror lyrics:

one look then we parted
finished before it started

but i can't see a thing
some say its blind
bears and believes all things
love is patient and kind

i was afraid, what else could i do
i couldn't speak, i felt one with you

one look then we parted
finished before it started

and i knew that you felt the same way too
you caught my eye, couldn't take them off of you

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Finjished Fibished Fibnished Finbished Finiished Finshed Finsihed Finjshed Finijshed Fin9shed Fin9ished
Fini9shed Finlshed Finlished Finilshed Finoshed Finoished Finioshed Finkshed Finkished Finikshed Fin8shed
Fin8ished Fini8shed Finushed

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