King's X
Everybody Knows A Little Bit Of Something

everybody knows a little bit
the time for playing innocence is over
ignorance is a road that leads to trouble
wisdom is a treasure born in heaven
those who find her have a precious something
now everyone's entitled to his own opinion
criticism without knowledge
much is learned from small beginnings
much forgotten causing folly
this love i found is covered in forgiving
everyday there's hope for the future
before i sing these words out of being
let me take the time to say i love you
i saw the man stare in silence
why can't he be honest with who he wants to believe
a cry for help was written on the cover of the magazine
and i know what it means

Mirror lyrics:

and i know what it means
a cry for help was written on the cover of the magazine
why can't he be honest with who he wants to believe
i saw the man stare in silence
let me take the time to say i love you
before i sing these words out of being
everyday there's hope for the future
this love i found is covered in forgiving
much forgotten causing folly
much is learned from small beginnings
criticism without knowledge
now everyone's entitled to his own opinion
those who find her have a precious something
wisdom is a treasure born in heaven
ignorance is a road that leads to trouble
the time for playing innocence is over
everybody knows a little bit

Relevant Tags:
EEverybody KKnows AA LLittle BBit OOf SSomething verybody nows ittle it f omething vEerybody nKows A iLttle iBt fO oSmething
sverybody lnows z kittle vit kf zomething sEverybody lKnows zA kLittle vBit kOf zSomething Esverybody Klnows Az Lkittle Bvit Okf Szomething
3verybody onows q oittle git 9f womething 3Everybody oKnows qA oLittle gBit 9Of wSomething E3verybody Konows Aq Loittle Bgit O9f Swomething
fverybody mnows s pittle nit 0f domething fEverybody mKnows sA pLittle nBit 0Of dSomething Efverybody Kmnows As Lpittle Bnit O0f Sdomething
rverybody jnows w Liittle hit lf eomething rEverybody jKnows wA Lttle hBit lOf eSomething Erverybody Kjnows Aw Ltitle Bhit Olf Seomething
4verybody inows x Ljttle Biit if xomething 4Everybody iKnows xA Ljittle Bt iOf xSomething E4verybody Kinows Ax Lijttle Bti Oif Sxomething
dverybody Knnows L9ttle Bjt Off aomething dEverybody Kows L9ittle Bjit O aSomething Edverybody Konws Li9ttle Bijt Of Saomething
wverybody Kmows Llttle B9t Oc Soomething wEverybody Llittle B9it Ocf Smething Ewverybody Knmows Lilttle Bi9t Ofc Smoething
Evverybody Khows Lottle Blt Or Skmething Eerybody Khnows Blit Orf Skomething Eevrybody Knhows Liottle Bilt Ofr Sokmething
Eberybody Kjows Lkttle Bot Og S9mething Ebverybody Boit Ogf S9omething Evberybody Knjows Likttle Biot Ofg So9mething
Ecerybody Kbows L8ttle Bkt Ot S0mething Ecverybody Kbnows L8ittle Bkit Otf S0omething Evcerybody Knbows Li8ttle Bikt Oft So0mething
Egerybody Knoows Luttle B8t Ov Slmething Egverybody Knws Luittle B8it Ovf Slomething Evgerybody Knwos Liuttle Bi8t Ofv Solmething
Eferybody Knkws Litttle But Od Simething Knkows Litle Buit Odf Siomething Evferybody Knokws Little Biut Ofd Soimething
Eveerybody Kn9ws Liftle Bitt Sommething Evrybody Kn9ows Lifttle Bi Soething Evreybody Kno9ws Litftle Bit Soemthing
Evsrybody Kn0ws Li5tle Bif Sojething Evserybody Kn0ows Li5ttle Bift Sojmething Evesrybody Kno0ws Lit5tle Bitf Somjething
Ev3rybody Knlws Lihtle Bi5 Sokething Ev3erybody Knlows Lihttle Bi5t Eve3rybody Knolws Lithtle Bit5 Somkething
Evfrybody Kniws Liytle Bih Sonething Kniows Liyttle Biht Sonmething Evefrybody Knoiws Litytle Bith Somnething
Evrrybody Knowws Li6tle Biy Someething Evrerybody Knos Li6ttle Biyt Somthing Everrybody Knosw Lit6tle Bity Somtehing
Ev4rybody Knoas Ligtle Bi6 Somsthing Ev4erybody Knoaws Ligttle Bi6t Somsething Eve4rybody Knowas Litgtle Bit6 Somesthing
Evdrybody Kno3s Lirtle Big Som3thing Evderybody Kno3ws Lirttle Bigt Som3ething Evedrybody Know3s Litrtle Bitg Some3thing
Evwrybody Knods Bir Somfthing Evwerybody Knodws Birt Somfething Evewrybody Knowds Litlte Bitr Somefthing
Knoes Litfle Somrthing Eveybody Knoews Somrething Eveyrbody Knowes Littfle Somerthing
Evedybody Knoss Lit5le Som4thing Knosws Som4ething Everdybody Knowss Litt5le Some4thing
Eve4ybody Kno2s Lithle Somdthing Kno2ws Somdething Ever4ybody Know2s Litthle Somedthing
Evegybody Knoqs Lityle Somwthing Evegrybody Knoqws Somwething Evergybody Knowqs Littyle Somewthing
Evetybody Lit6le Sometthing Evetrybody Know Somehing Evertybody Knows Litt6le Somehting
Eve5ybody Knowz Litgle Somefhing Eve5rybody Knowzs Ever5ybody Knowsz Littgle Sometfhing
Evefybody Knoww Litrle Some5hing Some5thing Everfybody Knowsw Littrle Somet5hing
Eveeybody Knowd Littlle Somehhing Litte Somehthing Evereybody Knowsd Littel Somethhing
Everyybody Knowe Littke Someyhing Everbody Littkle Someything

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