Kings Philosopher
The End

The End

For once in my life
I've done what I should
Took this thing by the horns
and started something new

First time for me
but I'm tryin' to be
something that is real

And it feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
its over ~

The dream of people like you
I could never touch
By some strange twist of fate
It would tear me up inside
But now I'm alright
But something died
So that I could stay alive

And it feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
its over ~


It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
its over

Mirror lyrics:

its over
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end


its over ~
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
And it feels like this is the end

So that I could stay alive
But something died
But now I'm alright
It would tear me up inside
By some strange twist of fate
I could never touch
The dream of people like you

its over ~
Though I know I'm starting again
It feels like this is the end
Though I know I'm starting again
And it feels like this is the end

something that is real
but I'm tryin' to be
First time for me

and started something new
Took this thing by the horns
I've done what I should
For once in my life

The End

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnd he nd hTe nEd fhe snd fThe sEnd Tfhe Esnd 5he 3nd 5The 3End T5he E3nd hhe fnd hThe fEnd
Thhe Efnd yhe rnd yThe rEnd Tyhe Ernd 6he 4nd 6The 4End T6he E4nd ghe dnd gThe dEnd Tghe Ednd rhe wnd
rThe wEnd Trhe Ewnd Ennd Te Ed Teh Edn Tje Emd Tjhe Emnd Thje Enmd Tue Ehd Tuhe Ehnd Thue Enhd

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