Kings Of Convenience
Toxic Girl

In the sky the birds are pulling rain
In your life the curse has got a name
Makes you lie awake all through the night
That's why

She's intoxicated by herself
Everyday she's seen with someone else
And every night she kisses someone new
Never you

You're waiting in the shadows for a chance
Because you believe at heart that if you can
Show to her what love is all about
She'll change

She'll talk to you with no one else around
But only if you're able to entertain her
The moment conversation stops she's gone

Mirror lyrics:

The moment conversation stops she's gone
But only if you're able to entertain her
She'll talk to you with no one else around

She'll change
Show to her what love is all about
Because you believe at heart that if you can
You're waiting in the shadows for a chance

Never you
And every night she kisses someone new
Everyday she's seen with someone else
She's intoxicated by herself

That's why
Makes you lie awake all through the night
In your life the curse has got a name
In the sky the birds are pulling rain

Relevant Tags:
TToxic GGirl oxic irl oTxic iGrl foxic hirl fToxic hGirl Tfoxic Ghirl 5oxic yirl 5Toxic yGirl T5oxic Gyirl hoxic birl hToxic bGirl
Thoxic Gbirl yoxic virl yToxic vGirl Tyoxic Gvirl 6oxic firl 6Toxic fGirl T6oxic Gfirl goxic tirl gToxic tGirl Tgoxic Gtirl roxic Giirl
rToxic Grl Troxic Gril Tooxic Gjrl Txic Gjirl Txoic Gijrl Tkxic G9rl Tkoxic G9irl Tokxic Gi9rl T9xic Glrl T9oxic Glirl To9xic Gilrl
T0xic Gorl T0oxic Goirl To0xic Giorl Tlxic Gkrl Tloxic Gkirl Tolxic Gikrl Tixic G8rl Tioxic G8irl Toixic Gi8rl Toxxic Gurl Toic Guirl
Toixc Giurl Todic Girrl Todxic Gil Toxdic Gilr

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