Kingdom Come
Let Me See You

The stars are so close I can touch them
I don't know how I feel
See me someone hear me someone to
It gives another world
Where no shadows fall
Where I can feel no fear
The search for you
Leads me to myself
Let me see you
To understand
Is this all a dream
I am floating in an empty room
Sometimes I can understand
No one knows where we go
Will we see each other again
Love, fear and hope are so close
The search for you
Leads me to myself
Let me see you
To understand

Mirror lyrics:

To understand
Let me see you
Leads me to myself
The search for you
Love, fear and hope are so close
Will we see each other again
No one knows where we go
Sometimes I can understand
I am floating in an empty room
Is this all a dream
To understand
Let me see you
Leads me to myself
The search for you
Where I can feel no fear
Where no shadows fall
It gives another world
See me someone hear me someone to
I don't know how I feel
The stars are so close I can touch them

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe SSee YYou et e ee ou eLt eM eSe oYu ket je zee gou kLet jMe zSee gYou Lket Mje Szee Ygou oet ke wee hou oLet kMe wSee hYou
Loet Mke Swee Yhou pet ne dee 6ou pLet nMe dSee 6You Lpet Mne Sdee Y6ou Leet Mee eee uou Lt M eSee uYou Lte Me Seee Yuou Lst Ms xee 7ou
Lset Mse xSee 7You Lest Mes Sxee Y7ou L3t M3 aee jou L3et M3e aSee jYou Le3t Me3 Saee Yjou Lft Mf tou Lfet Mfe Se tYou Left Mef See Ytou
Lrt Mr Sse Yoou Lret Mre Ssee Yu Lert Mer Sese Yuo L4t M4 S3e Yku L4et M4e S3ee Ykou Le4t Me4 Se3e Yoku Ldt Md Sfe Y9u Ldet Mde Sfee Y9ou

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