Kingdom Come
Mouth Full

(They) Govern the world
Want to be high
When someone sees (them)
(they) Give only applause
All yell Look at them
But only the legs are really real
The legs promise heaven on earth
But they alone know it is not going to happen
When for you comes only more trash
Only your legs are real, you are only the zero
I believe you will never learn
With you style you are the looser
I have tried already many times
Mouth full of this torture
You make yourself important
Stop now
I Find it's not correct
Also you will find it out
Your best friends are your legs
Be careful with your legs or you will be alone
I am not angry with you
I know you want to achieve
But out of my script I must cross you
The legs alone are good (and) OK
Be polite one time it doesn't hurt

Mirror lyrics:

Be polite one time it doesn't hurt
The legs alone are good (and) OK
But out of my script I must cross you
I know you want to achieve
I am not angry with you
Be careful with your legs or you will be alone
Your best friends are your legs
Also you will find it out
I Find it's not correct
Stop now
You make yourself important
Mouth full of this torture
I have tried already many times
With you style you are the looser
I believe you will never learn
Only your legs are real, you are only the zero
When for you comes only more trash
But they alone know it is not going to happen
The legs promise heaven on earth
But only the legs are really real
All yell Look at them
(they) Give only applause
When someone sees (them)
Want to be high
(They) Govern the world

Relevant Tags:
MMouth FFull outh ull oMuth uFll jouth cull jMouth cFull Mjouth Fcull kouth rull kMouth rFull Mkouth Frull nouth gull nMouth gFull
Mnouth Fgull Moouth tull Muth tFull Muoth Ftull Mkuth vull vFull Mokuth Fvull M9uth dull M9outh dFull Mo9uth Fdull M0uth Fuull
M0outh Fll Mo0uth Flul Mluth Fhll Mlouth Fhull Moluth Fuhll Miuth F7ll Miouth F7ull Moiuth Fu7ll Mouuth Fkll Moth Fkull Motuh Fukll
Mohth Fill Mohuth Fiull Mouhth Fuill Mo7th F8ll Mo7uth F8ull Mou7th Fu8ll Mokth Fjll Fjull Moukth Fujll Moith Fyll Fyull
Mouith Fuyll Mo8th Fulll

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