Keri Hilson
Toy Soldier

i guess i Fell in love with a Toy soldier
You told me that ill love would keep marching on
your right , Your right
You told me that our love was mighty strong
Aright , Alright
and yes i believed you cause you are my baby
Why would i doubt you when you said you love me
But i didnt know you were the enemy

The only one who made me cry , Is you
and the only one i had to fight , is you
And it was you who told me
He said i will never have to fight again
he said i will never have to cry again
He say , been to the battle field and my heart
is safe with him
All my trust i'll give it to him
So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier

Told me that you'll take care of me , You lied You Lied
you Told me that you was the best for me , You lied You lied
Cause you came up empty i feel like you tricked me
Everything you said youll give me you couldnt give me (Yeah)
The only one who made me cry , Is you
and the only one i had to fight , is you
And it was you who told me
He said i will never have to fight again
he said i will never have to cry again
He say , been to the battle field and my heart
is safe with him
All my trust i'll give it to him
So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier

I let down my guard cause you were my guard
But Who protects me Now
Cause i gave you my heart
Then You tore it apart OOooOOh You Let me Down

He said i will never have to fight again
he said i will never have to cry again
He say , been to the battle field and my heart
is safe with him
All my trust i'll give it to him
So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier

Mirror lyrics:

So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier
All my trust i'll give it to him
is safe with him
He say , been to the battle field and my heart
he said i will never have to cry again
He said i will never have to fight again

Then You tore it apart OOooOOh You Let me Down
Cause i gave you my heart
But Who protects me Now
I let down my guard cause you were my guard

So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier
All my trust i'll give it to him
is safe with him
He say , been to the battle field and my heart
he said i will never have to cry again
He said i will never have to fight again
And it was you who told me
and the only one i had to fight , is you
The only one who made me cry , Is you
Everything you said youll give me you couldnt give me (Yeah)
Cause you came up empty i feel like you tricked me
you Told me that you was the best for me , You lied You lied
Told me that you'll take care of me , You lied You Lied

So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier
All my trust i'll give it to him
is safe with him
He say , been to the battle field and my heart
he said i will never have to cry again
He said i will never have to fight again
And it was you who told me
and the only one i had to fight , is you
The only one who made me cry , Is you

But i didnt know you were the enemy
Why would i doubt you when you said you love me
and yes i believed you cause you are my baby
Aright , Alright
You told me that our love was mighty strong
your right , Your right
You told me that ill love would keep marching on
i guess i Fell in love with a Toy soldier

Relevant Tags:
TToy SSoldier oy oldier oTy oSldier foy zoldier fToy zSoldier Tfoy Szoldier 5oy woldier 5Toy wSoldier T5oy Swoldier hoy doldier
hToy dSoldier Thoy Sdoldier yoy eoldier yToy eSoldier Tyoy Seoldier 6oy xoldier 6Toy xSoldier T6oy Sxoldier goy aoldier gToy aSoldier
Tgoy Saoldier roy Sooldier rToy Sldier Troy Slodier Tooy Skldier Ty Skoldier Tyo Sokldier Tky S9ldier Tkoy S9oldier Toky So9ldier
T9y S0ldier T9oy S0oldier To9y So0ldier T0y Slldier T0oy Sloldier To0y Solldier Tly Sildier Tloy Sioldier Toly Soildier Tiy
Tioy Sodier Toiy Sodlier Toyy Sokdier To Toy Solkdier Tog Soodier Togy Toyg Solodier Toh Sopdier Tohy Sopldier
Toyh Solpdier To6 Solddier To6y Solier Toy6 Solider Tou Solxier Touy Solxdier Toyu Soldxier To7 Soleier To7y Soledier Toy7 Soldeier
Toj Solfier Tojy Solfdier Toyj Soldfier Tot Solrier Toty Solrdier Toyt Soldrier Solcier Solcdier

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